Started to run my algorithm on live, and instead of “debug” I using now “log”. Few hours after algorithm crashed with message “No space left on device”.
I guess the issue with logs size. How I can clear existing log files? Why logs are not rolling - are they expected to grow indefinitely?
Mia Alissi
Here's how to manage and resolve the log size issues you are facing with your QuantConnect algorithm:
Understand Log Quotas:
Reducing Log Output:
Log Rotation:
API Functionality:
to handle and manage your log outputs. However, ensure that logging mechanisms aren't creating unnecessary overhead.Implementing these strategies will help prevent your algorithm from crashing due to log-related space issues. If the problem persists and affects your operations significantly, consider upgrading your QuantConnect subscription for higher log quotas or reach out to their support for more tailored solutions.
Sources: Logging -, Debugging -, Debugging Tools -
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Evgeni Aizikovich
Hi Mia,
I'm using a Researcher tier and the issue happens on live node. I don't see in UI option to delete logs, just to download.
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