I'm struggling to deploy my algorithm online using Binance Futures due to continuous “Insufficient buying power” errors. My algorithm is set up to trade cryptocurrency pairs like BTCUSDT and SOLUSDT, as I prefer USDT pairs due to their higher trading volume.

However, it seems that in recent months, Binance has restricted holding balances in USDT and only allows USDC. I suspect this is causing the “Insufficient buying power” errors, as my algorithm is trying to trade USDT pairs, but my account only has USDC, which Binance now enforces as the only allowable stablecoin to hold.

Is there a solution to this issue? How can we trade USDT pairs if our account balance is limited to holding USDC?

Live Handled Error: Order Error: ids: [37], Insufficient buying power to complete orders (Value:[1.197]), Reason: Your portfolio holds 0 USDT, 0 USDT of which are reserved for open orders, but your Buy order is for 0.1 LINK. Your order requires a total value of 1.197 USDT, but only a total value of 0 USDT is available.



October 2024