I wrote universal stock list with higher DollarVolume criteria and calling from main method but it is throwing an error. please correct and suggest the fix

class MainAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2023, 1, 1)

        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily

        self.universe_selection = UniverseSelection(self, self.logger)
# UniverseSelection.py

from AlgorithmImports import *
import parameters as params

class UniverseSelection:
    def __init__(self, algorithm, logger):
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.logger = logger
        self.logger.log("Starting UniverseSelection initialization...")

            self.history = {}
            self.moving_averages_200 = {}
            self.moving_averages_20 = {}
            self.previous_close = {}
            self.atr = {}
            self.volatility = {}
            self.avg_volatility = {}

            self.logger.log("Finished UniverseSelection initialization.")
        except Exception as e:
            self.logger.log(f"Error during UniverseSelection initialization: {str(e)}")
            raise e

    def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
        selected: List[str] = []
        for stock in coarse:
            if stock.Price > params.PRICE_THRESHOLD and stock.DollarVolume > params.DOLLAR_VOLUME_THRESHOLD:
                # Initialize the historical data if not already done
                if stock.Symbol not in self.history:
        return selected

    def InitializeIndicators(self, symbol):
        # Fetch the historical data
        history = self.algorithm.History(symbol, params.MOVING_AVERAGE_200_DAYS, Resolution.Daily)

        if not history.empty:
            # Calculate and store moving averages
            self.history[symbol] = history['close']
            self.moving_averages_200[symbol] = \
            self.moving_averages_20[symbol] = \
            self.previous_close[symbol] = history['close'].iloc[-2]

            # Calculate ATR (Average True Range)
            high = history['high']
            low = history['low']
            close = history['close'].shift(1)
            tr = (high - low).combine(close - high, max).combine(close - low, max)
            self.atr[symbol] = tr.rolling(window=14).mean().iloc[-1]

            # Calculate daily returns for volatility
            daily_returns = history['close'].pct_change().dropna()

            # Calculate and store volatility
            self.volatility[symbol] = daily_returns.std() * (252 ** 0.5)  # Annualized volatility
            self.avg_volatility[symbol] = daily_returns.rolling(window=params.VOLATILITY_LOOKBACK_DAYS).std().mean() * (
                        252 ** 0.5)

    def UpdateDailyIndicators(self):
        # This function will be called at the end of each trading day to update indicators
        for symbol in self.algorithm.Securities.Keys:
            history = self.algorithm.History(symbol, params.MOVING_AVERAGE_200_DAYS, Resolution.Daily)
            if not history.empty:
                self.history[symbol] = history['close']
                self.moving_averages_200[symbol] = \
                self.moving_averages_20[symbol] = \
                self.previous_close[symbol] = history['close'].iloc[-2]

                # Update ATR
                high = history['high']
                low = history['low']
                close = history['close'].shift(1)
                tr = (high - low).combine(close - high, max).combine(close - low, max)
                self.atr[symbol] = tr.rolling(window=14).mean().iloc[-1]

                # Update volatility
                daily_returns = history['close'].pct_change().dropna()
                self.volatility[symbol] = daily_returns.std() * (252 ** 0.5)
                self.avg_volatility[symbol] = daily_returns.rolling(
                    window=params.VOLATILITY_LOOKBACK_DAYS).std().mean() * (252 ** 0.5)

    def GetSelectedStocks(self):
        abnormal_dollar_volume_stocks = []
        for symbol in self.algorithm.Securities.Keys:
            if symbol in self.history:
                avg_dollar_volume = self.history[symbol].mean()
                current_dollar_volume = self.algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price * self.algorithm.Securities[
                price_increase = (self.algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price - self.previous_close[symbol]) / \

                if (current_dollar_volume > 2 * avg_dollar_volume and
                        self.algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price > self.moving_averages_200[symbol] and
                        self.algorithm.Securities[symbol].Price > self.moving_averages_20[symbol] and
                        price_increase > params.MIN_PRICE_INCREASE_PERCENT and
                        self.volatility[symbol] <= params.MAX_VOLATILITY_MULTIPLIER * self.avg_volatility[symbol]):
        return abnormal_dollar_volume_stocks