I am using Bollinger Bands, Keltner Channels to do some checks. I consistently notice that all the values of these indicators are completely wrong when I compare them to real data on my ThinkorSwim platform.
Is this a test environment problem? I don't have confidence to go live with this if the data on which I am basing my trading rules is incorrect.
Here is how I am initializing it: Note that even EMAs are wrong too, but I am trying to get BBs and KCs to work first. Relevant code given below:
I have added long entries and can confirm that values are completely off. Here is one example that you can check yourself with SPY data for 1-3-2022 date. Note that all BB and KC values are wrong:
[2022-01-03 Monday] SPY Squeeze Check: BB Upper: 478, BB Lower: 474, KC Upper: 480, KC Lower: 472, Squeeze: True
//Here I am initializing SPY for example.
var equity = AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Daily);
//Setting up indicators for SPY. All this is happening in Intialize() function
_ema8[ticker] = EMA(ticker, 8, Resolution.Daily);
_ema21[ticker] = EMA(ticker, 21, Resolution.Daily);
_ema34[ticker] = EMA(ticker, 34, Resolution.Daily);
_bollingerBands[ticker] = BB(ticker, 20, 2, MovingAverageType.Simple, Resolution.Daily);
_keltnerChannels[ticker] = KCH(ticker, 20, 1.5m, MovingAverageType.Simple, Resolution.Daily);
Dee Znut
I found out that if I drop the resolution of the equity to Hourly, the indicators which need daily data start working perfectly. Mia needs to calm down, she doesn't give any good answers ever.
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