

Basically here my idea is to generate consistent option income with a covered call.


Except it is going to be slightly speculative as I change the strike / delta of the sold call depending on a weekly check of price Vs 200 Days SMA.


When the market is deemed to be bearish it will try to over perform by selling an in the money call and when bullish it will sell an OTM call to benefit from the stocks's price rise.


Maybe I should add a contract number calculator like this:


current_price = self.Securities[self.symbol].Price 

# Determine the number of shares we can afford available_cash = self.Portfolio.Cash 

nbr_shares = int(available_cash / current_price) if nbr_shares < 100: self.Log("Not enough cash to buy 100 shares.") return 

# Calculate number of contracts we can sell 

nbr_contracts = nbr_shares // 100


Have a nice week start :)