I've playing with my IB papertrade in QC live trade and tonight I had a problem with one of my orders from my autamtic algorithm.
1: Execute init market order +1 at 2024-08-04 20:00:00 at 18,258.25

2: Send stop -1 at 18,054 and objective -1 at 18,540 at 2024-08-04 20:00:00

3: Execute exit market order -1 at 17,525 at 2024-08-05 2:30

I want to know why my stop didn't execute, if its send to Interactive Brokers correctly and it was open.
Mia Alissi
There could be several reasons why your stop order didn't execute. Here are a few possibilities:
API Outages: Sometimes the Interactive Brokers (IB) API may be down, which could prevent your orders from being executed. You can check the IB status page to see if the API is currently working.
Order Timing: There might be a delay between when your algorithm sends the order and when it's executed by IB. This could be due to network latency, API processing time, or other factors. IB has a 400 millisecond fill time for live orders. If your stop order was sent close to the time the market price reached your stop level, it's possible that the price moved past your stop level before the order was executed.
Order Status: It's also possible that there was an issue with the order status. You can check the logs to find the IDs of orders that you sent but were not executed. Compare the QC logs of the orders with the TWS Order window. These timings might give you a hint about what happened.
If you continue to experience issues with live trading, you can contact support@quantconnect.com for further assistance.
Also, you can check the Interactive Brokers section in the QuantConnect documentation for more information about live trading with IB.
Please note that these are just possible explanations. Without more specific information about your algorithm and the exact circumstances of the order, it's difficult to determine the exact cause of the issue.
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