Hi. New to QuantConnect. I wrote a simple algo to test Binance Bitcoin backtest data. It seems like when I set account currency to USDT and when I set the brokerage model to Binance, the data goes as far back as May 2018 only and not further back, and I can only see. I am wondering where this limit comes from, is it my free QC account, is it the specific Binance brokerage branch (e.g. US) where you fetch the data from, or something else?

If it is the specific Binance brokerage branch (e.g. US) then how can I change it to another Binance, and in general how can I load new data into my online QC algos for backtesting and live trading (streaming data) if you don't have the specific exchanges or data that I need to use in my algo?



August 2024