Hello! I am working on a study on compressiblity of financial(mostly fundamental) data in QC notebook. My idea is first, get datas such as FinancialStatements, CashFlowStatements, ratios, and maybe sentiment too. Then run a dimension reduction algo to extract main features and use this model to value stocks. 

 So what I want is to get as much and diverse data(dimension) as possible, maybe hundreds. And I definitely cannot just name all of those like ↓.

fundamental = self.Fundamentals.GetFundamentalData(symbol)

.... and a lot more of these ....

 Is there a way to fetch fundamental data in a chunk like this ↓ instead of calling every single field manually in QC notebook or the Algorithm env? I would be so thankful to find a way to. 

The Ultimate Guide to the Three Financial Statements