Stack Trace:
'DateRules' object has no attribute 'Everyday'
  at TradeOptions
    self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.Everyday(), self.TimeRules.At(15, 55), lambda: self.Liquidate())
 in line 66


Sorry, but i don't know how to solve this code. I try to modify as “Ask Mia” suggested but continues to give me this error.

Please be patience, i'm a newbie.

from AlgorithmImports import *

# Import necessary libraries for machine learning
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import numpy as np

class SPYOptionMLTradingAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    This algorithm uses a Random Forest classifier to predict the direction of SPY's price movement and trades options accordingly.
    def Initialize(self):
        Initializes the algorithm with necessary parameters and settings.
        self.SetStartDate(2023, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2023, 12, 31)
        self.spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute)
        self.lookback = 30
        self.model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10)
        self.training_data = []
        # Schedule trading logic to run before market close every day
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 10), self.TradeOptions)

    def TrainModelOnStartOfMonth(self):
        Schedules the model training to occur at the start of each month.
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.MonthStart("SPY"), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("SPY", 30), self.TrainModel)

    def TrainModel(self):
        Trains the Random Forest model using historical SPY price data.
        history = self.History(self.spy.Symbol, self.lookback + 1, Resolution.Daily)
        if history.empty or history.isnull().values.any():
        # Calculate features and labels for the model
        features = np.diff(history['close'])
        labels = np.where(features >= 0, 1, 0)[:-1]
        features = features.reshape(-1, 1)[:-1]
        # Fit the model to the training data, labels)

    def TradeOptions(self):
        Predicts the direction of SPY's price movement and trades options accordingly.
        # Get the current SPY price and calculate the feature for prediction
        today_features = np.array([self.spy.Price - self.spy.Close])
        # Make a prediction using the trained model
        prediction = self.model.predict(today_features.reshape(1, -1))
        # Buy a call option if the prediction is positive, otherwise buy a put option
        if prediction[0] == 1:
            option = self.BuyCallOption()
            option = self.BuyPutOption()
        # If an option contract is found, place a market order to buy it
        if option is not None:
            # Check if the option contract exists in the security list before placing an order
            if self.Securities.ContainsKey(option):
                self.MarketOrder(option, 1)
                self.Log("Option contract not found in security list: " + str(option))
        # Schedule liquidation of all holdings at 3:55 PM
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.Everyday(), self.TimeRules.At(15, 55), lambda: self.Liquidate())

    def BuyCallOption(self):
        Returns a call option contract with the closest expiration date.
        return self.GetOptionContract(True)

    def BuyPutOption(self):
        Returns a put option contract with the closest expiration date.
        return self.GetOptionContract(False)

    def GetOptionContract(self, is_call):
        Returns an option contract based on the specified option type (call or put) and closest expiration date.
        contracts = self.OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(self.spy.Symbol, self.Time)
        if is_call:
            contracts = [i for i in contracts if i.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Call]
            contracts = [i for i in contracts if i.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Put]
        # Sort contracts by expiration date and select the closest one
        contracts = sorted(contracts, key=lambda x: abs((x.ID.Date - self.Time).days))
        zero_dte_contracts = [i for i in contracts if (i.ID.Date - self.Time).days == 0]
        if zero_dte_contracts:
            return zero_dte_contracts[0]
            return None