OANDA now allows for equities trading (as of 2023, I think).
Will there be an updated OANDA brokerage model, or is there an easy fix for adapting the exisiting brokerage model?
(In case it's relevant: I am at a beginner's skill level, but enjoying the learning!)
Mia Alissi
Hi Rasmus,
As of my last update, the OANDA brokerage model in QuantConnect primarily supports Forex and CFD trading. If OANDA has indeed started offering equities trading and you wish to incorporate this into your algorithm, there are a couple of steps you might consider:
Custom Brokerage Model: While the pre-built OANDA brokerage model might not yet support equities, you can create a custom brokerage model that extends the existing OANDA model to include equities. This involves overriding or adding methods to handle the specifics of equity trading, such as different fee structures, margin requirements, or order types.
Contact QuantConnect Support: Since QuantConnect continuously updates its platform and documentation, it's a good idea to reach out to their support or community forum. They can provide the most current information on whether an updated OANDA brokerage model that includes equities is in development or already available.
Learning and Experimentation: Given that you're enjoying the learning process and are at a beginner's skill level, this could be a great opportunity to dive deeper into how brokerage models are implemented and customized in QuantConnect. Start with simpler customizations and gradually increase complexity as you become more comfortable.
Here's a basic example of how you might start to define a custom brokerage model in Python, extending the existing capabilities to potentially include equities (note that this is a simplified example for illustrative purposes):
To use this custom model in your algorithm:
Remember, this example might not cover all the nuances of integrating equities into the OANDA model, such as handling fees, margins, or specific order types for equities. It's meant to get you started on the path to customization.
Keep experimenting, learning, and don't hesitate to leverage the QuantConnect community and resources. They're invaluable assets as you progress in your algorithmic trading journey.
Best of luck!
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