
I get in the charts the messages ‘No data available’ and ‘Out of sample’. If I change the period from February 2024 to November 2023 it works fine. I do not yet understand how the data is provided. How do I get the data for 2024?

This is the beginning of the code:

  1. self.SetStartDate(2024, 2, 1) # Set Start Date
  2. self.SetEndDate(2024, 2, 29) # Set End Date
  3. self.SetCash(10000)
  4. # Binance accepts both Cash and Margin account types.
  5. self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Binance, AccountType.Margin)
  6. self.btcusd = self.AddCrypto("CTXCUSDT", Resolution.Minute, Market.Binance).Symbol



March 2024