Today my back test list is missing all but the first column info, and that 1 column is truncated.

Initiating a new job does not appear on page 1. Turns out if I navigate to Page 6, it appears there, along with data in all the columns:


When I click on a truncated item, it filters the backtest list to only include that one item. !?!? Then when I click on that one item, it open that backtest in a new tab, finally. The backtest list remains filtered, with no way to reset it. Closing the backtest list tab and reopening it anew is the workaround, although the content remain as shown above. 

Reloading (Ctrl-F5) or logging out does not change anything.

Some of the “truncated” backtests are dated yesterday, Jan 31, and are not duplicated on page 6.

Anyone else seeing this issue?

