The SetCash value doesn't even reach the back-tester, what's going on, I've spent days trying to work this out !!? 

I've even commented out all methods apart from a basic execution, but it still doesn't initiate any trade activity. Here's the code and I attached the backtest:

#from AlgorithmImports import *

#from datetime import timedelta


#class ForexCFDAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

#   from AlgorithmImports import *


from AlgorithmImports import *


class ForexCFDAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):

        self.SetStartDate(2016, 5, 5)  # Start Date

        self.SetCash(50000)  # Set Strategy Cash

        self.symbol = self.AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Daily).Symbol

        self.Debug("Initialization complete")


    def OnData(self, data):

        # Manual trigger for a long trade

        if self.Time.hour == 10 and not self.Portfolio.Invested:

            quantity = 1  # Positive for long position

            self.MarketOrder(self.symbol, quantity)

            self.Debug(f"Manual long trade executed for {self.symbol.Value}")



    #def Initialize(self):

    #    self.SetStartDate(2016, 1, 1)  # Start Date

    #    self.SetCash(50000)  # Set Strategy Cash


        # Forex symbol

    #    self.symbol = self.AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Daily).Symbol


        # Indicators

    #    self.daily_ema = self.EMA(self.symbol, 10, Resolution.Daily)

    #    self.atr = self.ATR(self.symbol, 100, Resolution.Daily)

    #    self.long_term_ema = self.EMA(self.symbol, 200, Resolution.Daily)


        # State variables

    #    self.is_long_term_bullish = False

    #    self.batch_positions = []

    #    self.batch_entry_prices = []

    #    self.open_positions = 0

    #    self.basket_size = 5

    #    self.atr_multiplier_for_space = 1

    #    self.last_basket_position_time = self.Time

    #    self.trailing_stop = 0

    #    self.last_10ema_cross = 'none'


    #def OnEndOfDay(self, symbol):

    #    if symbol != self.symbol:

    #        return


        # Update long-term bullish/bearish based on daily 200 EMA

    #    if self.long_term_ema.IsReady:

    #        self.is_long_term_bullish = self.Securities[self.symbol].Close > self.long_term_ema.Current.Value


    #def OnData(self, data):

        # Force open a position for testing

    #    if not self.Portfolio.Invested:

    #        self.MarketOrder(self.symbol, 0.05)  # Replace 'quantity' with the desired number of units

    #        self.Debug(f"Forced position opened for {self.symbol.Value}")



        #if not data.ContainsKey(self.symbol):

        #   return


        # Update ATR and ensure all indicators are ready

        #if not self.daily_ema.IsReady or not self.atr.IsReady or not self.long_term_ema.IsReady:

        #    return


        #current_price = data[self.symbol].Price


        # Update last 10 EMA cross state

        #if current_price > self.daily_ema.Current.Value:

        #    self.last_10ema_cross = 'above'

        #elif current_price < self.daily_ema.Current.Value:

        #    self.last_10ema_cross = 'below'


        # Check if conditions are met to start a new basket

        #if self.ShouldStartNewBasket(current_price):

        #    self.StartNewBasket()


        # Execute trailing stop loss logic



        # Logic to handle entry for both bullish and bearish trends

        #if self.is_long_term_bullish and self.open_positions < self.basket_size:

        #    if self.CanEnterNewPosition(current_price, 'Long'):

        #        self.EnterPosition('Long', data)

        #elif not self.is_long_term_bullish and self.open_positions < self.basket_size:

        #    if self.CanEnterNewPosition(current_price, 'Short'):

        #        self.EnterPosition('Short', data)


    #def EnterPosition(self, direction, data):

    #    lot_size = self.CalculateLotSize()  # Calculate lot size based on risk management

    #    self.batch_positions.append(self.symbol)

    #    self.batch_entry_prices.append((data[self.symbol].Close, lot_size, direction))

    #    self.open_positions += 1

    #    self.last_basket_position_time = self.Time

    #    if direction == 'Long':

    #        self.Buy(self.symbol, lot_size)

    #    else:

    #        self.Sell(self.symbol, lot_size)


    #def ShouldStartNewBasket(self, current_price):

    #    if self.last_10ema_cross == 'none':

    #        return False

    #    if self.is_long_term_bullish and self.last_10ema_cross == 'below' and current_price > self.daily_ema.Current.Value:

    #        return True

    #    if not self.is_long_term_bullish and self.last_10ema_cross == 'above' and current_price < self.daily_ema.Current.Value:

    #        return True

    #    return False


    #def StartNewBasket(self):

    #    self.batch_positions = []

    #    self.batch_entry_prices = []

    #    self.open_positions = 0

    #    self.last_basket_position_time = self.Time


    #def CanEnterNewPosition(self, current_price, direction):

    #    if len(self.batch_entry_prices) == 0:

    #        return True


    #    last_entry_price, _, _ = self.batch_entry_prices[-1]

    #    elapsed_time = self.Time - self.last_basket_position_time


        # Check time delay and price distance

    #    if elapsed_time >= timedelta(minutes=120):

    #        atr_value = self.atr.Current.Value

    #        pip_distance = self.atr_multiplier_for_space * atr_value

    #        if direction == 'Long' and current_price - last_entry_price >= pip_distance:

    #            return True

    #        elif direction == 'Short' and last_entry_price - current_price >= pip_distance:

    #            return True


    #    return False


#def CalculateLotSize(self):

    # Implement lot size calculation logic based on account value and risk management

    # Placeholder value

#    return 0.05


#def ExecuteTrailingStopLoss(self, data):

#    if not self.atr.IsReady or len(self.batch_entry_prices) == 0:

#        return


#    atr_value = self.atr.Current.Value

#    trailing_stop_distance = 0.5 * atr_value  # Trailing by 0.5x ATR


    # Calculate new trailing stop for each position

#    for i in range(len(self.batch_entry_prices)):

#        entry_price, lot_size, direction = self.batch_entry_prices[i]

#        if direction == 'Long':

            # For long positions, trailing stop is below the entry price

#            new_trailing_stop = entry_price + trailing_stop_distance

#            if new_trailing_stop > self.trailing_stop:

#                self.trailing_stop = new_trailing_stop

#        elif direction == 'Short':

            # For short positions, trailing stop is above the entry price

#            new_trailing_stop = entry_price - trailing_stop_distance

#            if self.trailing_stop == 0 or new_trailing_stop < self.trailing_stop:

#                self.trailing_stop = new_trailing_stop


    # Check if current price has hit the trailing stop

#    current_price = data[self.symbol].Price

#    if ((direction == 'Long' and current_price <= self.trailing_stop) or

#        (direction == 'Short' and current_price >= self.trailing_stop)):

#        self.Liquidate(self.symbol)

#        self.Debug("Trailing stop hit. Liquidating positions.")