Hi Mia, I have coded below to calculate RSI of TQQQ. However, I found that the RSI calculation may not be correct if coded in this way. If the period is short, like 2 or 3, the smoothing is much less than longer period. More history data and warmup should be done for RSI before use it. Could you help to modify the code? Thanks.
+ Expand
from AlgorithmImports import *
class TQQQRSI(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2018, 1, 1)
self.VOLA = 200
res = Resolution.Daily
self.SPY = self.AddEquity('SPY', Resolution.Minute).Symbol
self.UVXY = self.AddEquity('UVXY', Resolution.Minute).Symbol
self.TQQQ = self.AddEquity('TQQQ', Resolution.Minute).Symbol
self.spySMA = self.SMA("SPY", 200, res)
self.tqqqRSI = self.RSI("TQQQ", 10, MovingAverageType.Wilders, res)
self.SetWarmUp(self.VOLA, res)
def OnData(self, data):
if not (self.Time.hour == 9 and self.Time.minute == 31): return
if not self.spySMA.IsReady:
if data.ContainsKey(self.SPY):
spyclose = data[self.SPY].Close
if spyclose > self.spySMA.Current.Value:
if self.tqqqRSI.Current.Value > 79:
self.SetHoldings(self.TQQQ, 0.0)
self.SetHoldings(self.UVXY, 1.0)
self.SetHoldings(self.UVXY, 0.0)
self.SetHoldings(self.TQQQ, 1.0)
self.SetHoldings(self.UVXY, 0.0)
self.SetHoldings(self.TECL, 0.0)
Mia Alissi
Hi Vidal,
You're correct that the RSI calculation requires a warm-up period before it can be used. This is because the RSI calculation involves a moving average, which requires a certain amount of historical data to calculate.
In your code, you've set the warm-up period to 200 days, which should be sufficient for an RSI with a period of 10. However, if you're finding that the RSI values are not accurate, you might want to increase the warm-up period.
Here's how you can modify your code to increase the warm-up period:
This should help ensure that the RSI calculation has enough historical data to be accurate.
Remember, the warm-up period should be at least as long as the longest period used in any of your indicators. In this case, since you're using a 200-day SMA and a 10-day RSI, a warm-up period of 200 days should be sufficient. However, if you're still seeing inaccuracies, increasing the warm-up period may help.
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Vidal boreal
Yes, Mia. I find that the RSI calculated is correct and the period is sufficient to warm up.
It just calculate the RSI based on yesterday's close. How could I modify the code if I want to execute the trade between 3pm and 4pm, calculate the RSI at that time and execute the trade based on the new RSI.
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