Hello All. I am in the process of designing a strategy that considers the vol/openinterest ratios of future options. My issue is that every open interest figure that I debug is 0.0. I know that AlgoSeek (Quantconnect's default future-option data provider) only have open interest data available at daily data points (so daily algo resolution is needed). I believe the reason why I cant access the OpenInterest data is because my resolution (as outputted via AddFutureOption) is by default Minutely, and AddFutureOption doesn't accept resolution as an argument..instead its resolution is determined by AddFuture. The strange thing is that the resolution of my AddFuture method IS daily, but then AddFutureOption (and subsequently OnData) is minutely. Consolidating the minutely bars to daily also wont work (due to nature of how OI is reported), nor will scheduling OnData to run daily. Any Ideas?  Thank you :)