I'm trying to implement a strategy that buys a protective put with a strike price 30% below the current market price of the underlying with a 3 month expiracy at the start of each month. I have some doubts:
First, I read the options strategies and in all of them I saw the SetFilter() function at Initialize method. I understand the min/maxStrike is the min/max strike rank relative to mkt price, but its not clear to me how to get options with a strike 30% below the current mkt price. In my code you can see my current aproach.
Also, I'm getting this error:
Runtime Error: cannot instantiate an open generic type
at OptionReebalance
chain = DataDictionary().OptionChains.get(self.symbol)
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException() at D:\QuantConnect\MyLean\PythonnetEnterprise\src\runtime\PythonException.cs:line 52
at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyObject[] args) at D:\QuantConnect\MyLean\PythonnetEnterprise\src\runtime\PythonTypes\PyObject.cs:line 787
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduleManager.c__DisplayClass15_0.b__0(String name in main.py: line 71
I'm pretty sure it has to do with the schedule event but I'm not sure about why is this error happening.
Any help is appreciated.
I don't really know a lot about options trading but I've read all QC option related documentation.
Here's the code
The error is in view that OptionsChains can be accessed via slice in the algorithm.
One was to pass slice object to OptionRebalance method is to update it through the OnData method.
As per your problem case to get put with a strike price 30% below the current market price you can use something like this:
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