I keep running into error after error loading history of futures data and keep getting the error below for MicroCrudeOilWTI and MicroGold but not on MicroSP500EMini or MicroDow30EMini. This is super frustrating as there seems to be inconsistent indexes from history between them. Tried numerous iterations of different ways to get history. Any and all help would be appreciated. 

During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Trying to dynamically access a method that does not exist throws a TypeError exception. To prevent the exception, ensure each parameter type matches those required by the 'datetime.timedelta'>) method. Please checkout the API documentation.  at __init__    tradeBar = TradeBar(tTime in baseMTSymInd.py: line 291

        if DailyTF:

            hist = algorithm.History(self.symbol, self.nHist , Resolution.Daily, extendedMarketHours= True)

            TDelt = timedelta(days=1)


            hist = algorithm.History(self.symbol, self.nHist , Resolution.Minute, extendedMarketHours= True)

            TDelt = timedelta(minutes=inTRes)


        if algorithm.Securities[self.symbol.Value].Type == 5:

                hist = hist.droplevel([0, 1], axis=0)

        for index, row in hist.iterrows():

            tTime = index

            tradeBar = TradeBar(tTime, self.symbol, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, row.volume, TDelt)