The new FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel --> AlphaModel interaction appears broken. Specifically, it looks like the alpha model is not honoring Universe.Unchanged returned from the univer selection model's Select() method. Consequently, the alpha model's OnSecuritiesChanged() method is triggered unexpectedly.
Please check debug logs.
Mia Alissi
Based on the provided code, it seems like the
class is not correctly handling the rebalance flag. TheIsRebalanceDue
method sets thewas_rebalanced
flag toTrue
every time it is called, regardless of whether a rebalance is due or not. This could potentially cause theOnSecuritiesChanged
method in theShellAlphaModel
class to be triggered unexpectedly.Here's a potential fix:
, modify theIsRebalanceDue
method to only setwas_rebalanced
when a rebalance is actually due:This way,
is only set toTrue
, indicating that a rebalance is due. This should prevent theOnSecuritiesChanged
method from being called unexpectedly.Remember, this is just a suggestion based on the provided code and the described issue. You might need to adjust it according to your specific needs and logic.
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Dhruv Bhandari
There is nothing wrong with how was_reblanced is set, it is not being set to True every time. Besides, was_rebalanced is irrelevant to the universe selection and alpha models and only used by the portfolio constrcution model.
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Alexandre Catarino
Hi Dhruv Bhandari ,
When we log the changes object, we only see removals.
Universe Selection is triggered when the securities are removed from the universe when they are delisted.
Best regards,Alex
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