I am having some difficulty with getting my keras model loaded from ObjectStore. The Keras model was saved from the research environment. Specifically I am having trouble with getting the file location of the model. I have used just the original key it was saved with as well as {self.ProjectId}/my_key. However, neither of these work. Additionally, I tried moving the loading of the model from initialization into my EveryDayBeforeClose() function and it seemed to grab the model only on one iteration then failed to locate the file directory.
My model is saved to /home/jovyan/work/storage/MyFirstModel when I check within the research notebook. However, according to a backtest when calling ObjectStore from my main.py it is looking in QuantConnect/Backtesting/Storage/MyFirstModel and not locating it.
Chase Joyal
I have tried the above and I get an error stating the model is not an attribute as the above is not actually locating my model file from its key. However, I can find the model in the Organization/Object Store tabs.
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Mia Alissi
Hi Chase,
I'm sorry to hear that you're still having trouble. If you're sure that the model is in the Object Store (as you can see it in the Organization/Object Store tabs), then the issue might be with the key you're using to access it.
The key you use to retrieve the model from the Object Store should be the same as the one you used to save it. If you're using a different key or if there's a typo in the key, the
method will returnFalse
and you won't be able to get the file path to the model.Here's how you can check if a key exists in the Object Store and get the file path to the model:
If the key does not exist, you'll need to check the key you're using and make sure it's the same as the one you used to save the model.
Once you have the correct file path, you can load the model with Keras'
function:I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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Alexandre Catarino
Hi Chase Joyal
We have fixed the issue with the Object Store. Please retry and let us know if it happens again.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Best regards,
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