I am really upset by this. Just yesterday I upgraded from the free tier to Research tier at $60 per month. At 9:30 this morning - after just half an hour of activity - I am stopped by this error.
I understand the need to cap disk space usage to a reasonable level in proportion to the amount paid. But aren't the logs from a backtest deleted when I close the backtest? If not, is there a way to delete my backtest logs so I can continue working?
Of course I can update to a Team and pay a lot more money, but I'm not a Team, I'm just one person, and I have no intention of putting a significant workload or disk space usage on QC's servers.
Is this really the way it is? If so, is there some alternative way to “log” my results so I can trouble-shoot my algorithm?
Lee Allen
Follow-up question: if I use LEAN CLI to move my development and testing to an on-premises system, will lit solve this problem - will I have unlimited logging?
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Marc Daoust
I too run into this issue once-in-a-while. The real problem is that there are no indication of your account usage of the daily allocation. If you run backtests that produce an unexpected large number of log output, and forget to check it before running more backtests, you get surprised by this lock.
Having a warning, or a count-down of your daily allocation visible on the IDE would be very useful.
I upgrade to Teams for that reason, but I still run into the issue from time-to-time. At that point I revert to self.Debug() to have a least some output to examine from within the Console window.
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Lee Allen
I am doing this same - using self.Debug(). Of course it has its own limitations.
I don't understand why the daily log limit is so low. If I used 100KB per day for 10 years it would amount to 365MB but by then I would have paid $7200 in monthly fees. That ought to pay for many TB of disk space.
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Derek Melchin
Hi Marc,
We updated the Log Quotas docs to explain how to check the amount of log storage you have remaining.
Derek Melchin
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Dee Znut
Upgraded to Team plan but still running into this issue. The 100K limit is very low. Please do something to increase it or at least let us delete our backtests to free up space.
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I am experiencing the same issue, and it feels like this limitation is counterproductive to the platform's growth. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to make progress when I’m constantly forced to stop due to log space restrictions.
How can I invest in more nodes and other services when I can't move past the development phase? This ongoing frustration is making me question whether continuing with QuantConnect is a good use of my time, as these interruptions severely hinder my ability to make meaningful progress.
Ideally, this should be a non-issue. The logs should simply overwrite when the maximum limit is reached, allowing users to continue working without disruption. I urge you to consider a more flexible approach to this limitation.
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Jared Broad
Hi Shaun, Nishant,
Logs are virtually uncapped and only “record usage” as you paginate the view. The lines-bytes you view are counted to allowance or if you export a log it counts the entire files towards allowance. The 100K limit is because people generally blow through their logs with a single backtest so we limited per backtest to help them meter it out.
Logs are capped for security purposes as we're not permitted to allow data export. This is how we can offer $300K of financial data via a free tier of QuantConnect. Doing this all on premise is 100x more expensive. As a user has higher tiers they're less likely to be abusive of the terms of service and we can loosen these restrictions.
We'll put some love into logs browser so you can jump to page of logs you care about by zooming into charts. You can purchase the data to run spot checks of days with the LEAN CLI. It requires the LEAN Security Master + the days of data you want to download. This can be done for as little as $600-$1000.
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Louis Szeto
Hi Dee
You can download the trade history in an Excel spreadsheet here:
after the backtest is completed.
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Louis Szeto
Hi Dee Znut
It is a fair allocation of resources to different users, as logging requires system memory. Also, we cannot allow abuse of the logging system due to security concerns in exporting the data.
If you need to use the log for debugging, you can do so by local CLI backtesting with generated random sample data.
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