from AlgorithmImports import *
import datetime
import math
from QuantConnect.Securities.Option import OptionPriceModels
from datetime import timedelta
from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *
class CoveredCallAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2022, 1, 1)
self.SetEndDate(2022, 12, 1)
self.TargetDelta = 0.35
self.LimitOrderRatio = 0.1
self.InitialSpyValue = None
self.LastIntradayMove = 0.0
equity = self.AddEquity(SYMBOL, Resolution.Minute)
option = self.AddOption(SYMBOL, Resolution.Minute)
self.symbol = option.Symbol
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
# Look for options that are within 30 days of the target contract date.
# Options should be at or 60 strikes above present price.
option.SetFilter(0, 2, timedelta(max(0, TARGET_CONTRACT_DAYS_IN_FUTURE - 6)), timedelta(TARGET_CONTRACT_DAYS_IN_FUTURE + 6))
option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD()
# Give a generous warm-up to allow the options price model to initialize.
self.LastDay = None
def OnData(self, slice):
"""Processes the slice up to 1x per day."""
if self.IsWarmingUp:
if not slice.ContainsKey(SYMBOL):
self.Debug("No SPY data available at this time.")
if slice[SYMBOL] is None:
self.Debug("SPY data is None at this time.")
if self.LastDay ==
self.LastDay =
# Check for intraday move greater than 1%
intraday_percentage_move = ((slice[SYMBOL].Close - slice[SYMBOL].Open) / slice[SYMBOL].Open) * 100
if intraday_percentage_move > 1.0 and intraday_percentage_move > self.LastIntradayMove:
self.Debug(f"Intraday move is {intraday_percentage_move:.2f}%")
self.LastIntradayMove = intraday_percentage_move
self.Debug(f"SPY had an intraday move of more than 1%, triggering the option trade.")
def BalancePortfolio(self, slice):
"""Transacts the underlying symbol as needed to arrive at the target cash utilization.
Buys or sells as necessary to keep the underlying symbol's value at TARGET_CASH_UTILIZATION
of the total portfolio value. Does not transact unless the imbalance is greater than REBALANCE_THRESHOLD.
if SYMBOL in slice and slice[SYMBOL] is not None:
# Get the current value and plot to main figure window.
current_spy = slice[SYMBOL].Close
if self.InitialSpyValue is None:
self.InitialSpyValue = current_spy
self.Plot("Strategy Equity", "SPY", STARTING_CASH * current_spy / self.InitialSpyValue)
# Calculate how many shares should be owned to hit target cash utilization.
value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
desired_n_shares = math.floor(value / current_spy)
actual_n_shares = self.Portfolio[SYMBOL].Quantity
delta_shares = desired_n_shares - actual_n_shares
# Transact if needed.
self.Log(f"Portfolio value: {value:.2f} Current spy: {current_spy:.2f} desired_n_shares: {desired_n_shares} "
f"actual_n_shares: {actual_n_shares} delta_shares: {delta_shares}")
if abs(delta_shares * current_spy) > value * REBALANCE_THRESHOLD:
self.MarketOrder(SYMBOL, delta_shares)
def TradeOptions(self, slice):
"""If enough shares exist to use as collateral, sells a call and places a limit order for that call."""
number_of_contracts_available = math.floor(self.Portfolio[SYMBOL].Quantity / 100)
number_of_contracts = -sum([x.Value.Quantity for x in self.Portfolio if x.Value.Invested and x.Value.Type==SecurityType.Option])
options_to_buy = number_of_contracts_available - number_of_contracts
if options_to_buy < 1:
self.Debug("Not enough contracts available for trading.")
self.Log(f"I presently own {self.Portfolio[SYMBOL].Quantity} shares of spy.")
self.Log(f"I presently have {number_of_contracts_available} that I can hold and "
f"only own {number_of_contracts}. I plan to buy {options_to_buy} more")
chain = slice.OptionChains.GetValue(self.symbol)
contract = self.GetClosestContract(chain, self.Time + datetime.timedelta(TARGET_CONTRACT_DAYS_IN_FUTURE))
if contract is None:
# that's for closing the call option positions
self.Log(f"Selling contract: Price: {contract.AskPrice} Underlying Price: {contract.UnderlyingLastPrice:1.2f} "
f"Strike: {contract.Strike:1.2f} Expiry: {contract.Expiry} Delta: {contract.Greeks.Delta:1.2f}")
self.Sell(contract.Symbol, options_to_buy)
self.LimitOrder(contract.Symbol, options_to_buy, round(contract.AskPrice * 0.2, 2))
def GetClosestContract(self, chain, desired_expiration):
"""Gets the contract nearest the target delta and expiry."""
if not chain:
return None
calls = [contract for contract in chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call]
if not calls:
return None
# Calculate the option expiry date nearest the target.
available_expirations = list({contract.Expiry for contract in calls})
nearest_expiration = sorted(available_expirations, key=lambda expiration: abs(expiration-desired_expiration))[0]
# For all contracts that match the target expiration, find the one with delta nearest target.
calls_at_target_expiration = [contract for contract in calls if contract.Expiry == nearest_expiration]
calls_at_target_expiration = sorted(calls_at_target_expiration, key = lambda contract: abs(contract.Greeks.Delta - self.TargetDelta))
if not calls_at_target_expiration:
return None
return calls_at_target_expiration[0]
I modified a buy-write strategy (borrowed from Nate Miller work on this) with a timing/contrarian tilt so that i can sell SPY options only in days with intraday moves of +1% or more on the SPY. for some reason, the algo would buy the equity on the SPY buy won't write any calls against it.
Any ideas as to how to fix it?
Thank you!
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