Hi All,
Interactive Brokers changed their minimum version last night, and it broke automated redeploying for a few people. I saw a lot more similar errors today, indicating they're deploying this new minimum to everyone.
This morning before the market opened we were able to fix and deploy the new minimum version for the impacted users. If your algorithm just died and is having trouble restarting automatically, stop the algorithm, rebuild it, and manually redeploy it. This makes sure you are on the master branch of the code (>v15668).
We'll get up early tomorrow and watch closely to make sure live deployments are working fine. Its tricky fixing these things quickly as we're provided no advance notice.
Please keep an eye on this thread, and we'll post updates as they appear.
Thank you for your patience!
Jared Broad
We've had a few reports that history requests from Interactive Brokers are not working successfully. If you can use QuantConnect as a data source, please use this for now. Users trading live options with IB as a data source will sometimes deploy successfully. This might be due to the account locations. We're exploring the cause and solutions now.
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Jared Broad
The new gateway also fails to restart successfully, causing nightly restarts with the “sending time error.” We've been able to reproduce this issue and will post a solution for it today.
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Jared Broad
We rolled back the cloud to a working version that will continue to work for another 18 days before IB officially stops supporting it (July 18th, 2023).
To use this previously stable build, use v15677 and above of LEAN. This will be automatically selected if you stop, rebuild, and redeploy your project. You can see this in the logs: "Built …for Lean Engine, with Id 'cf21de,…"
We'll continue debugging and testing offline to ensure the stability of the new IBGateway before rereleasing it (including weekend restarts). Unfortunately, the IB automation looks completely different in 10.23, so a completely new implementation is likely required.
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Jared Broad
Yes, it's greater than v15677, so it will include the old version of IB. We'll leave the old one in place for another 2 weeks of testing on the latest IB before releasing it (roughly July 16th-18th).
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Jared Broad
Just an update - most users are reporting successful nightly redeployments and no issues with data or orders. 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Financial Advisors are still experiencing issues with order timeouts. We're investigating these issues with the assistance of the impacted users.
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Ben Dressner
Thanks for the support on this QC! I am seeing IB deployments work smoothly now.
I am not able to get Minute level VIX information anymore in my IB algos, but I think that is a separate issue - will post a note in the data support forum.
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Jared Broad
Thanks Ben;
We deployed a workaround this morning and believe it's working well for all user types. Please write into private live support for the VIX data issue and we can look into it.
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