So, this code does not work right, it doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't trade wright. It fails to get the futures chain for the Vix.

I hope someone can help with this. I'll speak about what the program actually wants to do.

If the S&P500 is above, it's 200 day moving average it will go long Vix and ES contracts. If it is below, it will short them. Sending bracket orders with both of those trades. 

It will only go long or short if it can do it for both symbols at once. 

i.e if we are not long or short, check the condition, and either go long BOTH or short Both, then wait to not be invested in anything again. 

Like I said below, the program is just not getting me the Vix chain. Not sure why.

# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion

class EnergeticAsparagusCormorant(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 1) # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(500000)  # Set Strategy Cash

        self.future = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.SP500EMini, extendedMarketHours= True)
        self.future.SetFilter(0, 182)
        #self.future.SetFilter(lambda future_filter_universe: future_filter_universe.FrontMonth())
        self.symbol = self.future.Symbol

        self.Vix = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.VIX, extendedMarketHours= True)
        self.Vix.SetFilter(0, 182)
        #self.Vix.SetFilter(lambda future_filter_universe: future_filter_universe.FrontMonth())
        self.Vixsymbol = self.Vix.Symbol

        # ES vars
        self.Longentry_ticket = None
        self.Shortentry_ticket = None
        self.ESstopTicket = None
        self.ESprofitTicket = None
        self.LongcontractSymbol = None
        self.ShortcontractSymbol = None
        self.Esprice = None
        self.ShortEsprice = None

        # VIX vars
        self.Vixentry_ticket = None
        self.ShortVixentry_ticket = None
        self.VixstopTicket = None
        self.VixprofitTicket = None
        self.VixcontractSymbol = None
        self.ShortVixcontractSymbol = None
        self.VixPrice = None
        self.ShortVixPrice = None

        self.sma = SimpleMovingAverage(200)
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.symbol, self.sma, Resolution.Daily)

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):

        if (self.Longentry_ticket is None and self.Vixentry_ticket is None) and (self.Shortentry_ticket == None and self.ShortVixentry_ticket == None):
            if self.Securities[self.symbol].Price > self.sma.Current.Value:

            elif self.Securities[self.symbol].Price < self.sma.Current.Value:

        if self.Portfolio.Invested:

            # avoids error
            if self.LongcontractSymbol == None or self.VixcontractSymbol == None or self.ShortVixcontractSymbol == None or self.ShortcontractSymbol == None:

            # will sell before an expiration or delisting:
            if self.Portfolio[self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol].IsLong:
                if self.Time + timedelta(1) > self.LongcontractSymbol.Expiry:
                    self.Liquidate(self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol, "Future too close to expiration.")
                    self.Longentry_ticket = None
            if self.Portfolio[self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol].IsLong:
                if self.Time + timedelta(1) > self.VixcontractSymbol.Expiry:
                    self.Liquidate(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, "Future too close to expiration.")
                    self.Vixentry_ticket = None
            if self.Portfolio[self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol].IsShort:
                if self.Time + timedelta(1) > self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Expiry:
                    self.Liquidate(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, "Future too close to expiration.")
                    self.ShortVixentry_ticket = None

            if self.Portfolio[self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol].IsShort:
                if self.Time + timedelta(1) > self.ShortcontractSymbol.Expiry:
                    self.Liquidate(self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol, "Future too close to expiration.")
                    self.Shortentry_ticket = None
    def BuyFuture(self, data: Slice):

        # get the ES chain
        chain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.symbol)
        if chain:
            self.LongcontractSymbol = sorted(chain, key=lambda contract: contract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]

            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.Esprice = self.Securities[self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.Longentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol, 2, self.Esprice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.ESprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol, -2, self.Esprice*1.05)
            self.ESstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol, -2, self.Esprice*0.95)
        # get the Vix chain
        Vixchain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.Vixsymbol)
        if Vixchain:
            self.VixcontractSymbol = sorted(Vixchain, key=lambda Vixcontract: Vixcontract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.VixPrice = self.Securities[self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.Vixentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.VixprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice*1.05)
            self.VixstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice*0.95)
            self.Log("failed to get Vix chain")


    def BuyVix(self, data: Slice):

        # get the Vix chain
        Vixchain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.Vixsymbol)
        if Vixchain:
            self.VixcontractSymbol = sorted(Vixchain, key=lambda Vixcontract: Vixcontract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.VixPrice = self.Securities[self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.Vixentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.VixprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice*1.05)
            self.VixstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice*0.95)

            self.Log("failed to get Vix chain")

    def ShortFuture(self, data: Slice):

        chain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.symbol)
        if chain:
            self.ShortcontractSymbol = sorted(chain, key=lambda contract: contract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.Esprice = self.Securities[self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.Shortentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol, -2, self.Esprice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.ESprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol, 2, self.Esprice*0.95)
            self.ESstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol, 2, self.Esprice*1.05)
        Vixchain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.Vixsymbol)
        if Vixchain:
            self.ShortVixcontractSymbol = sorted(chain, key=lambda Vixcontract: Vixcontract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.VixPrice = self.Securities[self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.ShortVixentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.VixprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice*0.95)
            self.VixstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice*1.05)

            self.Log("failed to get Vix chain")


    def ShortVix(self, data: Slice):

        Vixchain = data.FuturesChains.get(self.Vixsymbol)
        if Vixchain:
            self.ShortVixcontractSymbol = sorted(chain, key=lambda Vixcontract: Vixcontract.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # save price and enter with limit order
            self.VixPrice = self.Securities[self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol].Price
            self.ShortVixentry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, -4, self.VixPrice)

            # send out bracket order
            self.VixprofitTicket = self.LimitOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice*0.95)
            self.VixstopTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol, 4, self.VixPrice*1.05)
            self.Log("failed to get Vix chain")


    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):

        # Invalid order is blocking new orders
        if orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Invalid:
            self.Longentry_ticket = None
            self.Vixentry_ticket = None
            self.Shortentry_ticket = None
            self.ShortVixentry_ticket = None

        if orderEvent.Status != OrderStatus.Filled:

        # avoids error
        if self.LongcontractSymbol is None or self.ShortcontractSymbol is None:

        #if orderEvent.OrderId == self.Longentry_ticket.OrderId:
        # cancel the other ES order after one gets hit
        if orderEvent.Symbol == self.LongcontractSymbol.Symbol:
            if orderEvent.OrderId == self.ESprofitTicket.OrderId or orderEvent.OrderId == self.ESstopTicket.OrderId:
                self.Longentry_ticket = None

        elif orderEvent.Symbol == self.ShortcontractSymbol.Symbol:
            if orderEvent.OrderId == self.ESprofitTicket.OrderId or orderEvent.OrderId == self.ESstopTicket.OrderId:
                self.Shortentry_ticket = None

        # avoids error
        if self.VixcontractSymbol is None or self.ShortVixcontractSymbol is None:

        #if orderEvent.OrderId == self.Vixentry_ticket.OrderId:
        # cancel the other Vix order after one gets hit
        if orderEvent.Symbol == self.VixcontractSymbol.Symbol:
            if orderEvent.OrderId == self.VixstopTicket.OrderId or orderEvent.OrderId == self.VixprofitTicket.OrderId:
                self.Vixentry_ticket = None

        elif orderEvent.Symbol == self.ShortVixcontractSymbol.Symbol:
            if orderEvent.OrderId == self.VixstopTicket.OrderId or orderEvent.OrderId == self.VixprofitTicket.OrderId:
                self.ShortVixentry_ticket = None