
I'm trying to download daily data for local use from the “US Index Options” dataset, the pricing page mentions a 300 QCC cost but doesn't seem to require Security Master subscription (vs. the “US Equity Options” dataset page that clearly states “depends on the US Equity Security Master dataset”).

Unfortunately I still get the following error:

Error: Your organization needs to have an active Security Master subscription to download data from the 'US Index Options' dataset
You can add the subscription at https://www.quantconnect.com/datasets/quantconnect-security-master/pricing
lean data download \
        --dataset "US Index Options" \
        --organization "--------------------------" \
        --data-type "Trade" \
        --option-style "American" \
        --ticker "VIX" \
        --resolution "Daily" \
        --start "20100601" \
        --end "20230505"