In January 30, 2023, I ran a backtest covering 2018-2022. Yesterday, April 30, 2023, I reran the same test with identical code but I got different results. Why might this have happened and should I be worried?
Running the same backtest twice yesterday produced the same results. The algorithm uses daily resolution.
I'm unable to attach the backtest. When I try, I get the following error: Error occurred during the process. If the problem persists, please contact
Alexandre Catarino
Hi Mike Lin ,
When we run a backtest a couple of months after another, the difference is likely due to different adjusted prices. New adjusted prices occur because of splits and dividends that were factored into the historical prices since the first backtest was executed.
Best regards,
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Yuri Lopukhov
There may be changes in code as well, for example recent update to EMA calculation:
Also I recall there was a change to default fill model:
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Mike Lin
Thanks both. I actually did use the EMA indicator in my algo. I'll look at that and the adjusted prices.
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