I have this option set in my code, according to the documentation I believe, but it is throwing this error:
Runtime Error: 'OptionContract' object has no attribute 'IsTradable'
at <listcomp>
tradable_call_contracts = [contract for contract at chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call and contract.IsTradable]
in main.py: line 119
at OnData
tradable_call_contracts = [contract for contract at chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call and contract.IsTradable]
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
The algo is skipping a lot of trades because:
The security with symbol 'SPXW 221221C03875000' is marked as non-tradable.
So I am trying to figure out how to get it to select an option that is tradeable.. I'm using this in the initialize:
underlying = self.AddIndex("SPX", Resolution.Minute)
options = self.AddIndexOption(underlying.Symbol, "SPXW", Resolution.Minute)
options.SetFilter(lambda u: u.IncludeWeeklys().Strikes(-1, 1).Expiration(0, 0))
and this in OnData:
+ Expand
chain = slice.OptionChains.get(self.symbol)
if not chain: return
# Filter call contracts
call_contracts = [contract for contract in chain if contract.Right == OptionRight.Call]
# We sort the call contracts to find at the money (ATM) contract with closest expiration
contracts = sorted(sorted(sorted(call_contracts, \
key=lambda x: x.Expiry), \
key=lambda x: abs(chain.Underlying.Price - x.Strike)), \
key=lambda x: x.Right, reverse=True)
# If found, buy it
if len(contracts) == 0: return
symbol = contracts[0].Symbol
self.MarketOrder(symbol, 1)
looking closer at the debug console, the algo may not be skipping the trades… but for whatever reason it is reporting this as an error.
just a very confusing thing, apparently
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Then who knows what is going on?
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