I have tried to use new --pdf option when vreateing reports using Lean CLI:

lean report --overwrite --pdf

but I get an error:

Error: Something went wrong while running the LEAN Report Creator, see the logs above for more information

with logs

PS D:\lean> lean report --overwrite --pdf
C:\programdata\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\numpy\_distributor_init.py:30: UserWarning: loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:
  warnings.warn("loaded more than 1 DLL from .libs:"
Generating a report from 'D:\lean\PairsCI\backtests\2023-02-14_15-45-11\1236995370.json'
20230215 07:48:37.096 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Main(): Parsing source files...backtest-data-source-file.json,
20230215 07:48:37.991 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Main(): Instantiating report...
20230215 07:48:38.048 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Report(): Processing backtesting orders
20230215 07:48:38.081 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: plugin-directory - Using default value:
20230215 07:48:38.089 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: composer-dll-directory - Using default value:
20230215 07:48:38.093 TRACE:: Composer(): Loading Assemblies from /Lean/Report/bin/Debug/
20230215 07:48:38.273 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): api-data-update-period - Using default value: 1
20230215 07:48:38.281 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: data-directory - Using default value: ../../../Data/
20230215 07:48:38.281 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: version-id - Using default value:
20230215 07:48:38.281 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: cache-location - Using default value: /Lean/Data
20230215 07:48:38.757 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-capacity - Using default value: 120
20230215 07:48:38.758 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-time-interval-minutes - Using default value: 1440
20230215 07:48:38.758 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-refill-amount - Using default value: 18
20230215 07:48:38.767 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: results-destination-folder - Using default value: /Lean/Report/bin/Debug
20230215 07:48:38.771 TRACE:: SecurityPortfolioManager.SetAccountCurrency(): setting account currency to USD
20230215 07:48:38.840 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler(): Sample Period Set: 181.08
20230215 07:48:38.842 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): forward-console-messages - Using default value: True
20230215 07:48:38.881 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): starting...
20230215 07:48:38.906 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): Saving logs...
20230215 07:48:38.908 TRACE:: Debug: Changing account currency from USD to USD...
20230215 07:48:38.908 TRACE:: Debug: Your log was successfully created and can be retrieved from: /Lean/Report/bin/Debug/665039c37dbf4dfa8b9fe24f581590f5-log.txt
20230215 07:48:38.908 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Run(): Ending Thread...
20230215 07:48:38.908 TRACE:: StopSafely(): waiting for 'Result Thread' thread to stop...
20230215 07:48:39.010 TRACE::
STATISTICS:: OrderListHash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
20230215 07:48:39.011 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.SendAnalysisResult(): Processed final packet
20230215 07:48:39.011 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Report(): Processing live orders
20230215 07:48:39.017 TRACE:: Report.Report(): Writing backtest point-in-time portfolios to JSON file: /tmp/report-backtesting-portfolio.json
20230215 07:48:39.029 TRACE:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): start...
20230215 07:48:40.152 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): python-additional-paths - Using default value: System.Linq.EmptyPartition`1[System.String]
20230215 07:48:40.222 TRACE:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): ended
20230215 07:48:42.148 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Main(): Starting content compile...
20230215 07:48:42.149 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering strategy name...
20230215 07:48:42.149 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering description...
20230215 07:48:42.150 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering version...
20230215 07:48:42.150 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering stylesheet...
20230215 07:48:42.150 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering live marker key...
20230215 07:48:42.150 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering runtime days kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.151 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering cagr kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.154 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering turnover kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.155 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering max drawdown kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.156 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering sharpe kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.157 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering psr kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.158 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering ir kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.158 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering markets kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.163 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering trades per day kpi...
20230215 07:48:42.165 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering estimated algorithm capacity...
20230215 07:48:42.178 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering monthly return plot...
20230215 07:48:42.704 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering cumulative returns...
20230215 07:48:42.973 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering annual returns...
20230215 07:48:43.136 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering returns per trade...
20230215 07:48:43.411 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering asset allocation over time pie chart...
20230215 07:48:43.650 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering drawdown plot...
20230215 07:48:44.019 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering daily returns plot...
/Lean/Report/bin/Debug/ReportCharts.py:292: FutureWarning: The default dtype for empty Series will be 'object' instead of 'float64' in a future version. Specify a dtype explicitly to silence this warning.
  live_series = pd.Series(live_returns[1], index=live_returns[0])
20230215 07:48:44.894 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering rolling beta to equities plot...
20230215 07:48:45.670 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering rolling sharpe ratio plot...
20230215 07:48:45.971 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering leverage plot...
/Lean/Report/bin/Debug/ReportCharts.py:942: UserWarning: FixedFormatter should only be used together with FixedLocator
  ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=0, ha='center')
20230215 07:48:46.208 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering exposure plot...
20230215 07:48:46.523 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering crisis page...
20230215 07:48:48.070 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Compile(): Rendering crisis plots...
20230215 07:48:49.502 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Main(): Writing content to file /tmp/report.html
20230215 07:48:49.503 TRACE:: QuantConnect.Report.Main(): Completed.
cp: cannot stat '/tmp/report.pdf': No such file or directory