Hello community & staff, 

I am trading based on fundamental data. To my knowledge, QC has the best collection for fundamental data there is, thank you!! 


The https://www.quantconnect.com/data/morning-star-us-fundamentals describes “As Morningstar data arrives, it updates the master copy and is passed into your algorithm, similar to how TradeBars are fill-forwarded in your data feed. If there have been no updates this week, you'll receive the same fundamental data.”.

Right now I read the fundamental data at every new day based on this condition, which implies that I have received all data at midnight. Seems to work that way in the backtest: 

class SymbolData: 
    def MarketCap(self):
        return self.security.Fundamentals.MarketCap
class MyAlpha(QCAlgorithm): 
	def update(...) 
        condition = self.day != self.algo.Time.day 
        if condition: 
        	# decision logic based on hopefully most recent fundamental data 
        	# buy some stocks

Should I rather add the condition of the hour being greater than 7 to make sure I catch the daily / monthly updates? 

condition = self.day != self.algo.Time.day and self.algo.Time.hour > 7 

I will do some testing for that, but knowing how it should be definitely helps me (and maybe others). 


Thank you, 

