Hi all,

I was trying to understand how the holdings (the SecurityHolding objects) get updated in the code by debugging the engine's c# code using the following template algorithm. Specifically, I was curious about at which line of code fields such as SecurityHolding.Quantity (as in the sample code attached) get updated. I tried to debug the source code line by line, however I just couldn't find the right breakpoint for it. The closest thing I found was the following method, after which the holdings seem to get updated. But I wasn't able to zoom in any longer. I also tried placing the breakpoint in the setter of the fields like Quantity, AveragePrice, etc, but the code didn't stop there. 

Could someone please offer some help to find the line of code for me to place the breakpoint? Thank you!

        public OrderTicket AddOrder(SubmitOrderRequest request)
            return ProcessRequest(request);