I am backtesting off-line (not in the cloud) and I see this.
20221123 17:58:04.478 ERROR:: MarketOnClose order and exchange not open.
I would think that the backtesting system does not care about the state of the exchange.
In any case the market is open. I do not appear to get any results.
My start and stop dates appear to be within the range of the local data.
It works if I run it in the cloud.
Louis Szeto
Hi Bill
A market on close order is only able to be placed when the market is still open, in which it will be filled at the market close time at that particular day. At 17:58:04.478 of 23 Nov 2022, the market for SPY is already closed, so the order was not valid. You might receive data like dividends during off-market hours, so it is better is you include an extra condition check to make sure the order is sent within market hour:
Check out the details/limitations in placing an MOC order in here.
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Bill Crocker INVESTOR
Very good. Thanks.
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