Hi all,

How can I use multiple indicator conditions to see if I should open a trade?

I can do this for MACD:

        for symbol, macd in self.macd.items():

            if macd.Current.Value < 0:

                opt_sym = [option for option in self.symbols if symbol== option.Underlying]

                for i in opt_sym:

                    chains = data.OptionChains.get(i)



But how do I add RSI for instance?


        for symbol, macd, rsi in self.macd.items(), self.rsi.items():

            if macd.Current.Value < 0 and rsi.Current.Value > 80:

                opt_sym = [option for option in self.symbols if symbol== option.Underlying]

                for i in opt_sym:



Alex Veraart

November 2022