I have attempted the solution displayed here: https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/5591/help-me-to-plot-candlesticks/p1/comment-27480 but I can't get plotting of 1 minute candles to work. My resulting plot only contains a single candle.
Here is my simplified SymbolData class which handles the plotting:
class SymbolData:
def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.symbol = symbol
self.ticker = symbol.Value
# Create a consolidator to update the indicators
self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(1)
self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidated
# Register the consolidator to update the indicators
algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.consolidator)
# Plotting
charting_time = algorithm.Time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
self.trade_chart_name = f"{symbol.Value}-{charting_time}-Trading"
self.trading_chart = Chart(self.trade_chart_name)
self.candles = Series(f"{self.ticker}", SeriesType.Candle)
def OnDataConsolidated(self, sender: object, consolidated_bar: TradeBar) -> None:
self.candles.AddPoint(consolidated_bar.EndTime - timedelta(seconds=59), consolidated_bar.Open)
self.candles.AddPoint(consolidated_bar.EndTime - timedelta(seconds=58), consolidated_bar.High)
self.candles.AddPoint(consolidated_bar.EndTime - timedelta(seconds=57), consolidated_bar.Low)
self.candles.AddPoint(consolidated_bar.EndTime, consolidated_bar.Close)
Nico Xenox
Hey Haakon Flaarønning,
a little while ago someone had the same problem but because QC isnt a plotting platform the best solution is to follow the instructions in this chat. With a little help of Derek I made a code that will display your consolidated data in the jupyter notebook:
Even though you have to save the data in the objectstore it is the best solution we came up with. The smaller the resolution gets the more impossible it is for the platform to print the sticks.
Hope it helps ;)
Hey Nico Xenox, thanks for the input! 😊
It's a pity that plotting candlestick charts in the QC backtest isn't available although I get that QC is not a plotting platform. Saving to the object store and creating the chart in a research notebook is a decent solution, although it is a bit more job, especially if you have multiple charts to plot. In that case, it may be better to fetch data through a history call (in a research notebook), and analyze the backtest order object to plot candles and trades.
Anyway, in my opinion, plotting candlestick charts in the algo backtest is a key feature which I hope gets implemented at some point. :)
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