Hello! I was trying to setup a daily consolidator for EUR.USD which consolidates at 5pm NewYork time everyday. I tried the solution provided by Alex in: https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/4835/standardizing-consolidated-daily-data-to-match-default-daily-data

While in my case, the consolidator got triggered on 5pm NewYork time, but it still consolidate data to 12:00 midnight - which is after the triggered time!

Please refer to my backtest attached.

In “Logs” I captured the open and close time of each bar consolidated:


As you see, on “2022-09-12 17:00”, the bar still opened at 00:00 (not something like 2022-09-11 17:00:00). It also closes at 2022-09-13 00:00, which is to the future of the scheduled time - a look ahead bias.

May I know if I miss out something? Thank you!