Hi All-
I've built a strategy upon minutely universe resolution. Now that it's mostly stable I want to speed things up a bit, but second data is too computationally intensive. Something like a few seconds (5 or 10 seconds) for the OnData rate seems to be more appropriate for the strategy.
I couldn't find anything in the Documentation or Forum covering this, but I do know that OnData is set by the universe resolution.
Attached is the time and data related code I have currently. Basically just a rollingwindow that consolidates the minutely data into daily bars. I removed the fluff for the sake of readability.
So, is a custom resolution possible to feed into OnData??
PS: This algo only trades Equities (for now)
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2022, 8, 1)
self.rebalanceTime = datetime.min
self.AddUniverse(self.CoarseSelectionFilter, self.FineSelectionFilter)
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 10), self.ExitPositions)
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.At(9, 31), self.ScanTargets)
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay("SPY"), self.TimeRules.Midnight, self.ClearFills)
self.Data = {}
def OnData(self, data):
for symbol in self.Targets.keys():
symbolData = self.Data[symbol]
if not symbolData.IsReady:
open_orders = self.Transactions.GetOpenOrders(symbol)
if not self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested and len(open_orders) == 0 and symbol not in self.filled_today.keys():
# Strategy logic.....
def CoarseSelectionFilter(self, coarse):
# filter logic....
def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
symbol = security.Symbol
if symbol not in self.Data:
self.Data[symbol] = SymbolData(self, symbol)
for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
symbol = security.Symbol
if symbol in self.Data:
symbolData = self.Data.pop(symbol, None)
self.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(symbol, symbolData.consolidator)
class SymbolData:
def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
self.algorithm = algorithm
self.symbol = symbol
self.Bars = RollingWindow[TradeBar](6)
self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidated
algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.consolidator)
def OnDataConsolidated(self, sender, bar):
def IsReady(self):
return self.Bars.IsReady
Nico Xenox
Hey Justin E,
I wouldnt recommend trying to adjust the rate of OnData because for that you would have to adjust the resolution. Otherwise it probably wont work.
For that you would have to change the resolution of your stocks to second. This will make your algo work slowly…
A better way would be to make a scheduled Events. For this you would not need to change the resolution of your stocks and it would fire each time.
Hope it helps ;)
Justin E
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