This is an example of my work building algos. The attached backtest is a simple RSI strategy that purchases “SPY” option contracts and uses a trailing stop to exit positions. I was able to speed up the time it takes to run backtests by bypassing OnData, using GetOptionContract with a custom filter, and creating my own class object to track positions. This 1 year backtest with over 1,000 trades took about 5 minutes to complete using a B4-12 node.
Note: This is only an example to demonstrate my work. This is not a viable strategy and will not work in current markets.
Jack Pizza
Why won't it work? How can we make it work? Would adding say a simple filter like a 100-200 moving average make it viable in bear markets? Or switching to puts?
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Jack Pizza
Also not sure if it works with options but you might be able to use this for trailing stops
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Benjamin Sanchez
I'm sure by adding some additional indicators and risk management tools you could implement RSI into a solid strategy. I just meant that this strategy as is (blindly ordering on RSI signals only) would not be viable in the long term.
I've tried the built in risk management models but I prefer to customize my own. Rather than a strict 5% stop loss, the trailing stop is tiered. You'll see in this model the stop loss is initially set at -50% but then once the position achieves a 10% profit the trailing stop is initialized.
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