Hi, I am super new to Quantconnect Algorithms and was trying to update EMA bootcamp tutorial code such that it will automatically calculate slow(200) and fast(50) EMA values instead of manual updates. Code I am trying is:

def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, universe):
        #initial code above
        # Create loop to use all the coarse data
        for coarse in universe:  
            symbol = coarse.Symbol 
            #2. Check if we've created an instance of SelectionData for this symbol
            if symbol not in self.averages and symbol is not None:
                #3. Create a new instance of SelectionData and save to averages[symbol]
                self.averages[symbol] = SelectionData(symbol,self.EMA(symbol,200,Resolution.Daily),self.EMA(symbol,50,Resolution.Daily))
            # above line throws error
            # remaining code below

When I try to directly call self.EMA(symbol…) I am getting an error :

Runtime Error: Please register to receive data for symbol 'SPY R735QTJ8XC9X' using the AddSecurity() function. in Indicators.cs:line 2448

Do I need to add all securities explicitly even after having them in Universe section functions?