I am developing a market neutral strategy, where 50% of the portfolio is allocated for stocks that fall under certain fundamental criteria. The other 50% shorts SPY. The backtest seem to run OK, until the very end of the simulations where it shows the error: Object reference not set to an instance object

find below the error and the code (since it does not let me attach it)

May also help that the terminal shows:

Backtest Handled Error: No data loaded for WDFC R735QTJ8XC9X because there were no tradeable dates for this security.
WDFC R735QTJ8XC9X: The security does not have an accurate price as it has not yet received a bar of data. Before placing a trade (or using SetHoldings) warm up your algorithm with SetWarmup, or use slice.Contains(symbol) to confirm the Slice object has price before using the data. Data does not necessarily all arrive at the same time so your algorithm should confirm the data is ready before using it. In live trading this can mean you do not have an active subscription to the asset class you're trying to trade. If using custom data make sure you've set the 'Value' property.

from AlgorithmImports import *
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *
from Selection.FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel import FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel
from Execution.ImmediateExecutionModel import ImmediateExecutionModel
from Portfolio.EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel import EqualWeightingPortfolioConstructionModel

class Third_Attempt(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetCash(100000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily


class Highperformance (FundamentalUniverseSelectionModel):

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__( True, None)
        self.lastMonth = -1
        #creating the SPY symbol (for the index)
        self.spy = Symbol.Create('SPY', SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA)

    def SelectCoarse(self, algorithm, coarse):
        #run the algorithm once a month, return Universe.Unchanged in case we are looking at exactly the same month
        if algorithm.Time.month == self.lastMonth:
            return Universe.Unchanged
        self.lastMonth = algorithm.Time.month

        sortedByVolume = sorted(coarse, key=lambda x: x.DollarVolume, reverse=True)
        filteredByFundamentals = [x.Symbol for x in sortedByVolume if x.HasFundamentalData]

        return filteredByFundamentals + [self.spy]

    def SelectFine(self, algorithm, fine):

        sorted_high = sorted([x for x in fine if x.MarketCap > 2e9
                            and 0.5 > x.OperationRatios.AVG5YrsROIC.FiveYears > 0.20
                            and 50 > x.ValuationRatios.PERatio > 20
                            and x.AssetClassification.MorningstarSectorCode != MorningstarSectorCode.FinancialServices
                            and x.AssetClassification.MorningstarSectorCode != MorningstarSectorCode.Healthcare], 
                            key = lambda x: x.ValuationRatios.PERatio, reverse=True)

        #fundamental_universe = [x.Symbol for x in sorted_high[:5]] + [self.spy]

        return [x.Symbol for x in sorted_high[:5]] + [self.spy]

class BuyPerformance(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lastMonth = -1
        self.newAdds = []
        self.spy = Symbol.Create('SPY', SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA)

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):
        if algorithm.Time.month == self.lastMonth:
            return []
        self.lastMonth = algorithm.Time.month

        insights = []
        #printing the time (for troubleshooting purposes)

        # Generate Pos (+) insight if the symbol has been added to 'newAdds', has data to trade and has not been invested before
        for added in self.newAdds:
            if not algorithm.Securities[added].Invested and algorithm.Securities[added].HasData and algorithm.Securities[added].IsTradable:
                algorithm.Debug('Positive Insight : ' + str(added))
                insights.append(Insight(added, timedelta(30), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up))

        # Generate Flat insight if the symbol is already in the Portfolio, has been invested and it's not in newadds
        for x in algorithm.Portfolio:
            holding = x.Value
            symbol = holding.Symbol
            if holding.Invested and (symbol not in self.newAdds):
                if symbol not in data.Bars:
                insights.append(Insight(symbol, timedelta(30), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Flat))

        return insights

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):
        # When assets are added to the universe, they will trigger OnSecuritiesChanged() event.
        #From there, you can initialize any state or history required for the Alpha Model
        algorithm.Debug('\n -----ALPHA MODEL ----: ' + str(algorithm.Time))

        # Securities added into the universe will be added to self.newAdds
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if (symbol not in self.newAdds) and (symbol != self.spy):
                algorithm.Debug('added symbol : ' + str(symbol))
        # Securities removed from the universe will be removed from self.newAdds
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            symbol = security.Symbol
            if symbol in self.newAdds and (symbol != self.spy):
                algorithm.Debug('removed symbol symbol : ' + str(symbol))

        #Until now we keep excluding the index SPY. We will execute the trade in the portfolio builder

class PortfolioBuilder(PortfolioConstructionModel):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lastMonth = -1
        self.spy = Symbol.Create('SPY', SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA)

    def CreateTargets (self, algorithm, insights):
        if not algorithm.Time.month == self.lastMonth:
            total_equity = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue

            return []

        self.lastMonth = algorithm.Time.month
        algorithm.Debug('\n -----PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION ----: ' + str(algorithm.Time))
        # Create a list of PortfolioTarget objects from Insights (just for symbols, excluding SPY)

        target_array = []
        target = None

        new = []
        #I am creating a vector of new symbols added to the algorithm
        # i will use this vector 'new' to find the lentgh and allocate the right % of the portfolio
        for insight in insights:
            if not algorithm.Securities[insight.Symbol].Invested:

        for insight in insights:
            if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Flat:
                target = PortfolioTarget(insight.Symbol, 0) #Generate the sell order on the flat insight

            if insight.Direction == InsightDirection.Up:
                #Calculate shares using the half Portfolio value divided in equal amount with the number of symbols recently added.
                target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, insight.Symbol, 1/(2*len(new)))

        #Now i will create the target for the index 'SPY' who's shorting the other half of the portfolio value
        for x in algorithm.ActiveSecurities:
            holding = x.Value
            symbol = holding.Symbol

            if not holding.Invested and symbol == self.spy:
                target = PortfolioTarget.Percent(algorithm, symbol, -0.5)
        return target_array

class Trailing_SL_TP(RiskManagementModel):

    def __init__(self):

    def ManageRisk(self, algorithm, targets):