Hi All,
I want to buy if 1 share of spy if the atr of the previous candle is greater than the atr of 2 candles ago. It was glitching and did not allow me to upload the backtest, but I attached the code in python. Could someone explain what I am doing wrong? It is not ordering any buys even though the atr has increased at some point in the data after the warm up period of 14 days.
If you see what is wrong please attach a fixed code in your response, thank you so much.
Fred Painchaud
Hi Jeremy,
I don't see the attached code. You might want to try to re-attach / copy-and-paste (using the code box from the dropdown menu) it.
The best way to get help fast --> attach at least a code snippet.
Here is the code, sorry about that.
import numpy as np
from datetime import timedelta
class ATRconfirmation(QCAlgorithm):
  def Initialize(self):
    self.SetStartDate(2022, 2, 22)  # Set Start Date
    self.SetCash(10000)  # Set Strategy Cash
    self.spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol
    self.atr_period = 14
    self.SetWarmUp(timedelta(days = 14))
    self.ATRconfirm = self.ATR(self.spy, self.atr_period, Resolution.Daily)
    self.ATRvalues = RollingWindow[Decimal](3)
  def OnData(self, data):
    # Make sure indicators and rolling windows are ready
    if self.IsWarmingUp: return
    if self.ATRvalues[1] > self.ATRvalues[2]:
      self.MarketOrder(symbol, 1)
Fred Painchaud
Hi Jeremy,
Here is the modified code:
Here is another way to implement your strategyÂ
Trading ATR with Indicator Extensions DelayÂ
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