Hello everyone,
I worked quite a bit on the alpha framework and I love it! ❤️
Using equity data is a charm 🚀, however I am struggling with working towards going live with Binance.

I have a question towards the architecture:
- Where to find the documentation which results in a 404
- Binance only supports cash account brokerage in live trading,
- The algorithm framework only supports margin accounts
→ is current best practice to ditch algorithm framework when going for live trading?
I have a question towards lookahead bias due to crypto selection:
- is there something better than importing all tickers into manual universe, and ranking by dollar volume?
Thank you,
Here it says that only spot trading works.
Hi Jens Kutschera, in Live trading, binance does support Margin .
See here:
Varad Kabade
Hi Jens Kutschera,
Thank you .ekz. for your response.
Currently, we cannot filter the crypto by dollar volume. We have created a GH issue to implement universe selection for crypto. Subscribe to the following for updates:
Varad Kabade
thank you for your answers. .ekz I really did not find that page you were linking, thank you so much!
Good to know that there is no automatic crypto universe, I use some self-made algo for making it until there is!
Thank you for answering my questions :-)
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