I try to create an option universe. Working as instructed on other posts in the forum, I filtered option contract s in the OnSecuritiesChanged method (in contrast to what is shown on options docs example for option chain provider) and I can not add the option contract after filtering them out. I use self.AddOptionContract and it throws the following error  

Runtime Error: NotSupportedException : BacktestingOptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(): SecurityType.Equity, SecurityType.Future, or SecurityType.Index is expected but was Option

here's the code

class MeasuredApricotCamel(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 12, 17)
        self.rebalanceTime = datetime.min
        self.activeStocks = set()
        self.activeOptions = set()
        self.UniverseSettings.DataNormalizationMode = DataNormalizationMode.Raw
        self.counter = 1000
    def CoarseFilter(self, coarse):
        if self.Time <= self.rebalanceTime:
            return self.Universe.Unchanged
        sortedByVolume = sorted(coarse, key = lambda x: x.Volume, reverse = True)
        filtered = [x.Symbol for x in sortedByVolume if x.Price <= 200 and x.Price <= 50]
        self.rebalanceTime = self.Time + timedelta(days = 45)
        return filtered[0:10]
    def OptionsFilter(self, stock):
        contracts = self.OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(stock, self.Time)
        #selects the type of option to be Put contract
        puts = [x for x in contracts if x.ID.OptionRight == OptionRight.Put]

        #sorts contracts by closet expiring date date and closest strike price (sorts in ascending order)
        puts = sorted(sorted(puts, key = lambda x: x.ID.Date), key = lambda x: x.ID.StrikePrice)
        #then selects all contracts that meet our expiration criteria
        #We want between 30 and 60 days as we do not want to hold our options close to expiration
        puts = [x for x in puts if 30<(x.ID.Date - self.Time).days <= 60]
        if not puts:
        #selects the type of option to be Put contract
        call = [x for x in contracts if x.ID.OptionRight ==OptionRight.Call]
        #sorts contracts by closet expiring date date and closest strike price (sorts in ascending order)
        call = sorted(sorted(call, key = lambda x: x.ID.Date), key = lambda x: x.ID.StrikePrice , reverse = True)
        #then selects all contracts that meet our expiration criteria
        call = [x for x in call if  30 <(x.ID.Date - self.Time).days <= 45]

        if not call:
        #will eventually return array of optimal puts and calls
        #self.AddOptionContract(puts[0], Resolution.Minute)
        #self.AddOptionContract(call[0], Resolution.Minute)
        return (puts[0],call[0])
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
        for x in changes.RemovedSecurities:
        for x in changes.AddedSecurities:
            options = self.OptionsFilter(x.Symbol)
            loggg = ""
            if options:
                put, call = options[0], options[1]
                loggg += put.Value + ", " + call.Value
    def checkOptionStatus(self, option):
        if option.ID.Date < self.Time + timedelta(days = 7):
            #It is time to sell
    def OnData(self, data):
        if self.activeOptions:
            for option in self.activeOptions:
        if self.counter == 0:
            self.Log(",".join([x.Value for x in self.activeStocks]))
            self.counter = 1000
            self.counter -= 1