Hi everyone,
I've been backtesting with the VIX index using the self.AddIndex() function to initialize VIX and the backtests ran fine, but I am unable to obtain any VIX index data during live-trading.
The following backtest is my attempt to log minute VIX close prices while live-trading and I keep getting “0.0” for some reason. Does QuantConnect not have data for the VIX index for live-trading?
Best regards
Fred Painchaud
Hi Li,
Are you using IBKR as a broker? https://www.quantconnect.com/datasets/algoseek-us-index-options
VIX is only avail live via IBKR.
If you do, not sure what is the problem. I recall reading something about that I believe - like you might need to make sure you enable some feed on IBKR… not sure sorry.
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Cheng Li
Hi Fred,
It seems like IBKR does have a CBOE market indexes data subscription option, but how do I tell my algorithm to utilize it? What function do I use besides using IBKR as my data provider for live-trading?
Do I simply use the self.AddIndex() function and my algorithm will automatically receive data for VIX from my IBKR subscription?
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Varad Kabade
Hi Li Cheng,
The QuantConnect data feed does not include cash indices. In order to receive data, we need to have a data subscription with IB and use the IB data provider or the combined QC+IB data provider.
Varad Kabade
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Cheng Li
Hi Varad,
Got you, I appreciate the information, but do I use self.AddIndex() to initialize an index?
Best regards
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Varad Kabade
Hi Li Cheng,
QuantConnect data feed does not include index data. For live trading, you need to purchase it from Interactive Brokers.
Varad Kabade
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Cheng Li
Hi Varad,
I've already purchased the CBOE indices package from IBKR, my question was how I would initialize an index in my algorithm after having data for the index.
I tested it, and it turns out that, yes, self.AddIndex() is the method to initialize an index (after having a CBOE indices subscription on your IBKR account)
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