I am getting an error":Runtime Error: Algorithm took longer than 10 minutes on a single time loop. CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 1.0 minutes in Isolator.cs:line 175"

I have seen the 10 min on a single time loop before, but have not seen the “CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 1.0 minutes in Isolator.cs:line 175. ”

I believe that this could be converting a rollingwindow to a dataframe. The rollingwindow has about 40000 bars. Would this be a time-consuming process?

shortHistory_Min = pd.DataFrame()

shortHistory_Min = algorithm.PandasConverter.GetDataFrame[TradeBar](symbolData.rolling_windowMin)


Is there a way to return the last 10000 bars instead of all 40000 bars from the rollingwindow?