I've been attempting to setup a Windows Docker server that is configured to run on Hyper-V.
I am able to run other linux and windows docker images and can also successfully run the phusion/baseimage that the Lean Docker image appears to be built on. However, if I attempt to run the Lean Docker image on this server, I get the following error:
Error: 404 Client Error for http://dro-node4:2375/v1.41/networks/create: Not Found ("could not find plugin bridge in v1 plugin registry:
plugin not found")
I'm hoping that someone, a bit more Docker savvy than myself, might be able to give me some guidance as to what in the Lean image is pulling in this dependency on the `bridge` plugin and if there is a way to rebuild this image without the dependency since it appears that it is not necessarily necessary to run other images.
Any help appreciated
Randy Terbush
FWIW, I do seem to be able to run the Lean image if I specify a couple of flags for docker command.
Randy Terbush
I suspect that this may be caused by the following line of code in lean-cli. I'll work on building my only local cli version to see if I can test this but it appears this may be incompatible with the docker server platform I am attempting to run on.
Randy Terbush
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