Hi All,

Just a short note to help potential QuantConnectors šŸ˜Š.

When you read the documentation on candlestick patterns, it refers to SetCandleSettings without giving too much detail. So here it is. It refers to global settings used FOR ALL candlestick patterns and stored in a private dictionary. You can change those settings by calling:

CandleSettings.Set(CandleSettingType type, CandleSetting setting)

Set() here is a static method so you do not create an object first. You call it right like in the above.

The types are here:

Real body is long when it's longer than the average of the 10 previous candles' real body

Real body is very long when it's longer than 3 times the average of the 10 previous candles' real body

Real body is short when it's shorter than the average of the 10 previous candles' real bodies

Real body is like doji's body when it's shorter than 10% the average of the 10 previous candles' high-low range

Shadow is long when it's longer than the real body

Shadow is very long when it's longer than 2 times the real body

Shadow is short when it's shorter than half the average of the 10 previous candles' sum of shadows

Shadow is very short when it's shorter than 10% the average of the 10 previous candles' high-low range

When measuring distance between parts of candles or width of gaps "near" means "<= 20% of the average of the 5 previous candles' high-low range"

When measuring distance between parts of candles or width of gaps "far" means ">= 60% of the average of the 5 previous candles' high-low range"

When measuring distance between parts of candles or width of gaps "equal" means "<= 5% of the average of the 5 previous candles' high-low range"

To specify each of those types, you do:


for instance.

Finally, a CandleSetting is created like this:

CandleSetting(CandleRangeType rangeType, int averagePeriod, decimal factor)

CandleRangeType can have the following values:

The part of the candle between open and close

The complete range of the candle

The shadows (or tails) of the candle

Again, specified like this:


for instance.

averagePeriod is ā€œThe number of previous candles to averageā€ and factor is ā€œA multiplier to calculate candle rangesā€.

Note that the default values right now for CandleSettings are:

{ CandleSettingType.BodyLong, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.RealBody, 10, 1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.BodyVeryLong, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.RealBody, 10, 3m) },
{ CandleSettingType.BodyShort, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.RealBody, 10, 1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.BodyDoji, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.HighLow, 10, 0.1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.ShadowLong, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.RealBody, 0, 1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.ShadowVeryLong, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.RealBody, 0, 2m) },
{ CandleSettingType.ShadowShort, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.Shadows, 10, 1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.ShadowVeryShort, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.HighLow, 10, 0.1m) },
{ CandleSettingType.Near, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.HighLow, 5, 0.2m) },
{ CandleSettingType.Far, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.HighLow, 5, 0.6m) },
{ CandleSettingType.Equal, new CandleSetting(CandleRangeType.HighLow, 5, 0.05m) }
