Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas to all.

At this time of year, I like to give thanks for all the gifts over the past year, so I'd like to give a shout out of thanks to the QC staff.   Big thanks to Jared Broad , Alexandre Catarino , Derek Melchin , Varad Kabade, Martin Molinero , and all the other team members behind the scenes that are working so hard on so many different workstreams. Quantconnect has been a game changer for so many of us, and without your efforts we wouldn't have made the progress that we have.  Sincerely, thank you, for building (and continuing to perfect) such an amazing platform.  

It's also the season for 'wish-listing', and I have one wish: to see Quantconnect, and this community, capitalize on the momentum of retail trading in options and crypto markets.  The world and its financial markets have changed--in some regards, forever.  I believe that retail options trading is only going to increase in prevalence, and competition will heat up between systematic trading platforms, to capture this market.  The same goes for cryptocurrencies.

Here are some features I think will help further set QC apart from the (non) competition; some of which I believe are already in progress: 

  1. ​Caching pre-calculated options ​greeks for each option contract​ so they're more easily accessible
  2. Offer ​Option data​ available​ at ​lower res​olution​ (​eg: ​hourly and daily --not just minute resolution) 
  3. ​Daily option expiries s (​eg: SPY and SPX expiring on ​M​on, ​W​ed, ​F​ri​)
  4. ​Improved cloud IDE (eg VS Code editor. *wink* )​
  5. Coarse and Fine Universe selection (or something similar) for crypto assets


​​Again, I know some of these are in progress, so thanks in advance to the QC team.

To all: thanks again for making this community what it is.  Enjoy the holidays!




December 2021