I have used the YahooDownloader to populate my data folder with some data. I have a universe setup using the coarse example code. It works online, but locally OnData never gets called. I am running in backtest mode. Should this work locally, or are Universes designed only to work in quantconnect?
If I just use the quandl yahoo import command it works.
Jared Broad
Coarse Universe selection uses the data in the coarse universe folder. You'll have to make sure you have the data available in the folder covering the period you're working with ("Lean\Data\equity\usa\fundamental\coarse").
If you have the data and still think there's an issue with it; please post an issue on github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/issues or in the google group for LEAN -- attaching as much information as possible for someone to replicate the issue.
We're working on making this data available for download on QuantConnect now :) Hopefully in the next month or two the downloader will be online.
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Paul McKinney
Ah ha... I was thinking it was looking at just equity data. I found the ToolBox for downloading the fundamental data and it works now. Thanks!
Paul McKinney
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