I tried to run a Deep Learning algorithm. It takes about 10-30 minutes to finish the training process. I noticed that
“LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 115”
When all the tokens have been consumed, lean will break down. How can I set more time for training?
(lean) PS C:\study\lean> lean backtest "DRL-03"
20210902 09:58:29.548 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: plugin-directory - Using default
20210902 09:58:29.569 TRACE:: Composer(): Loading Assemblies from /Lean/Launcher/bin/Debug
20210902 09:58:29.599 TRACE:: Python for .NET Assembly:
QuantConnect.DataSource.ExamplePythonScriptMyCustomDataTypeDoNotUse, Version=, Culture=neutral,
20210902 09:58:29.686 TRACE:: Python for .NET Assembly: Python.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral,
20210902 09:58:29.779 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: data-directory - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:29.795 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: version-id - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:29.796 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: cache-location - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:29.798 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): LEAN ALGORITHMIC TRADING ENGINE v2.5.0.0 Mode: DEBUG (64bit) Host:
20210902 09:58:29.812 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Started 9:58 AM
20210902 09:58:29.822 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: lean-manager-type - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:29.855 TRACE:: JobQueue.NextJob(): Selected /LeanCLI/main.py
20210902 09:58:29.987 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-capacity - Using default value: 120
20210902 09:58:29.987 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-time-interval-minutes - Using default
value: 1440
20210902 09:58:29.988 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): scheduled-event-leaky-bucket-refill-amount - Using default value: 18
20210902 09:58:29.998 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: job-organization-id - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:30.000 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: data-permission-manager - Using default
value: DataPermissionManager
20210902 09:58:30.031 TRACE:: AlgorithmManager.CreateTokenBucket(): Initializing LeakyBucket: Capacity: 120
RefillAmount: 18 TimeInterval: 1440
20210902 09:58:30.034 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): algorithm-manager-time-loop-maximum - Using default value: 20
20210902 09:58:30.061 TRACE:: TextSubscriptionDataSourceReader.SetCacheSize(): Setting cache size to 71582788 items
20210902 09:58:30.612 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): algorithm-creation-timeout - Using default value: 90
20210902 09:58:30.623 TRACE:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): start...
PythonEngine.Initialize(): Runtime.Initialize()...
Runtime.Initialize(): Py_Initialize...
Runtime.Initialize(): PyEval_InitThreads...
Runtime.Initialize(): Initialize types...
Runtime.Initialize(): Initialize types end.
Runtime.Initialize(): AssemblyManager.Initialize()...
Runtime.Initialize(): AssemblyManager.UpdatePath()...
PythonEngine.Initialize(): GetCLRModule()...
PythonEngine.Initialize(): clr GetManifestResourceStream...
20210902 09:58:32.690 TRACE:: PythonInitializer.Initialize(): ended
20210902 09:58:32.706 TRACE:: AlgorithmPythonWrapper(): Python version 3.6.8 |Anaconda, Inc.| (default, Dec 30 2018,
[GCC 7.3.0]: Importing python module main
20210902 09:58:36.449 TRACE:: AlgorithmPythonWrapper(): main successfully imported.
20210902 09:58:36.461 TRACE:: AlgorithmPythonWrapper(): Creating IAlgorithm instance.
20210902 09:58:36.481 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): api-data-update-period - Using default value: 1
20210902 09:58:36.764 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): mute-python-library-logging - Using default value: True
20210902 09:58:36.807 TRACE:: LocalObjectStore.Initialize(): Storage Root: /Storage/QCAlgorithm. StorageFileCount 100.
StorageLimitMB 5
20210902 09:58:36.852 TRACE:: BacktestingSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting up job: Plan: Free, UID: 37708, PID: 530465602,
Version:, Source: WebIDE
20210902 09:58:36.867 TRACE:: Config.Get(): Configuration key not found. Key: security-data-feeds - Using default value:
20210902 09:58:37.145 TRACE:: Event Name "Training: Now: 2021-03-04T05:00:00.0000000Z", scheduled to run at 3/4/2021
5:00:00 AM (UTC)...
20210902 09:58:37.193 TRACE:: Event Name "Sunday: 6", scheduled to run at 3/7/2021 11:00:00 AM (UTC)...
20210902 09:58:37.257 TRACE:: BaseSetupHandler.SetupCurrencyConversions():
Symbol Quantity Conversion = Value in USD
USD: $ 100000.00 @ 1.00 = $100000.0
CashBook Total Value: $100000.0
20210902 09:58:37.264 TRACE:: SetUp Backtesting: User: 37708 ProjectId: 530465602 AlgoId: 1432912603
20210902 09:58:37.267 TRACE:: Dates: Start: 03/04/2021 End: 09/01/2021 Cash: ¤100,000.00
20210902 09:58:37.275 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler(): Sample Period Set: 65.31
20210902 09:58:37.278 TRACE:: Time.TradeableDates(): Security Count: 4
20210902 09:58:37.285 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): forward-console-messages - Using default value: True
20210902 09:58:37.293 TRACE:: JOB HANDLERS:
20210902 09:58:37.295 TRACE:: DataFeed: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.DataFeeds.FileSystemDataFeed
20210902 09:58:37.296 TRACE:: Setup: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Setup.ConsoleSetupHandler
20210902 09:58:37.297 TRACE:: RealTime: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.RealTime.BacktestingRealTimeHandler
20210902 09:58:37.298 TRACE:: Results: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Results.BacktestingResultHandler
20210902 09:58:37.298 TRACE:: Transactions:
20210902 09:58:37.311 TRACE:: Alpha: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Alphas.DefaultAlphaHandler
20210902 09:58:37.325 TRACE:: ObjectStore: QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Storage.LocalObjectStore
20210902 09:58:37.325 TRACE:: History Provider:
20210902 09:58:37.388 TRACE:: AlgorithmManager.Run(): Begin DataStream - Start: 3/4/2021 12:00:00 AM Stop: 9/1/2021
9:58:36 AM
20210902 09:58:37.391 TRACE:: Debug: Launching analysis for 1432912603 with LEAN Engine v2.5.0.0
20210902 09:58:37.561 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): data-feed-max-work-weight - Using default value: 400
20210902 09:58:37.563 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): data-feed-workers-count - Using default value: 4
20210902 09:58:37.565 TRACE:: WeightedWorkScheduler(): will use 4 workers and MaxWorkWeight is 400
20210902 09:58:37.616 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): show-missing-data-logs - Using default value: False
20210902 09:58:37.922 TRACE:: UniverseSelection.AddPendingInternalDataFeeds(): Adding internal benchmark data feed
20210902 09:59:37.675 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 50, Sample: 78, App: 761, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 09:59:38.340 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 119
20210902 10:00:37.785 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 68, Sample: 78, App: 763, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:00:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 118
20210902 10:01:37.838 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 74, Sample: 79, App: 765, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:01:38.337 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 117
20210902 10:02:37.875 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 77, Sample: 78, App: 765, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:02:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 116
20210902 10:03:37.914 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 78, Sample: 79, App: 765, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:03:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 115
20210902 10:04:37.951 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 78, Sample: 78, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:04:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 114
20210902 10:05:37.989 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 78, Sample: 78, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:05:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 113
20210902 10:06:38.052 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 78, Sample: 78, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:06:38.336 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 112
20210902 10:07:38.139 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 78, Sample: 79, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:07:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 111
20210902 10:08:38.193 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 71, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:08:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 110
20210902 10:09:38.238 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 775, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:09:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 109
20210902 10:10:38.294 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:10:38.343 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 108
20210902 10:11:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 107
20210902 10:11:38.369 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:12:38.335 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 106
20210902 10:12:38.407 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 70, Sample: 71, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:13:38.340 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 105
20210902 10:13:38.477 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 70, Sample: 70, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:14:38.336 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 104
20210902 10:14:38.499 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 70, Sample: 71, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:15:38.336 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 103
20210902 10:15:38.555 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 70, Sample: 71, App: 800, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:16:08.356 TRACE::
############### Time:2021-03-04 00:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 10:16:38.571 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 70, App: 804, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:17:08.145 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 102
20210902 10:17:38.603 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 797, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:18:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 101
20210902 10:18:38.639 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 797, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:19:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 100
20210902 10:19:38.713 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 797, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:20:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 99
20210902 10:20:38.800 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 797, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:21:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 98
20210902 10:21:38.834 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 797, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:22:08.148 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 97
20210902 10:22:38.867 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 799, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:23:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 96
20210902 10:23:38.902 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 799, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:24:08.136 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 95
20210902 10:24:38.947 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 799, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:25:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 94
20210902 10:25:38.995 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 802, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:26:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 93
20210902 10:26:39.013 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 802, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:27:08.135 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 92
20210902 10:27:39.044 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 803, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:28:08.139 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 91
20210902 10:28:24.367 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-03-07 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 10:28:39.062 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 76, App: 804, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:29:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 90
20210902 10:29:39.120 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 75, Sample: 76, App: 818, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:30:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 89
20210902 10:30:39.168 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 75, Sample: 76, App: 820, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:31:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 88
20210902 10:31:39.195 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 820, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:32:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 87
20210902 10:32:39.225 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 820, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:33:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 86
20210902 10:33:39.234 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 75, App: 820, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:34:24.435 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 85
20210902 10:34:39.257 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 77, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:35:24.435 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 84
20210902 10:35:39.343 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:36:24.435 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 83
20210902 10:36:39.386 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 77, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:37:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 82
20210902 10:37:39.413 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 74, Sample: 70, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:38:24.435 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 81
20210902 10:38:39.436 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:39:24.445 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 80
20210902 10:39:39.471 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:40:24.436 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 79
20210902 10:40:39.490 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:41:24.356 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 78
20210902 10:41:39.545 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:42:24.355 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 77
20210902 10:42:39.582 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:43:24.357 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 76
20210902 10:43:39.591 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:44:11.438 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-03-14 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 10:44:39.605 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 77, App: 822, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:45:11.559 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 75
20210902 10:45:39.686 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 822, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:46:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 74
20210902 10:46:39.744 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:47:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 73
20210902 10:47:39.794 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 72, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:48:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 72
20210902 10:48:39.843 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:49:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 71
20210902 10:49:39.882 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 821, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:50:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 70
20210902 10:50:39.935 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 830, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:51:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 69
20210902 10:51:39.974 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 830, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:52:11.499 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 68
20210902 10:52:40.013 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 830, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:53:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 67
20210902 10:53:40.069 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 830, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:54:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 66
20210902 10:54:40.101 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 830, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:55:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 65
20210902 10:55:40.176 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:56:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 64
20210902 10:56:40.227 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:57:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 63
20210902 10:57:40.272 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:58:11.485 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 62
20210902 10:58:40.304 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 10:59:11.487 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 61
20210902 10:59:40.326 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:00:11.486 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 60
20210902 11:00:18.254 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-03-21 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 11:00:40.360 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 76, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:01:18.313 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 59
20210902 11:01:40.398 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 75, Sample: 76, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:02:18.287 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 58
20210902 11:02:40.426 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:03:18.386 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 57
20210902 11:03:40.457 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 75, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:04:18.286 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 56
20210902 11:04:40.487 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 77, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:05:18.385 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 55
20210902 11:05:40.519 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 75, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:06:18.385 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 54
20210902 11:06:40.707 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 75, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:07:18.305 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 53
20210902 11:07:40.762 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 72, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:08:18.324 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 52
20210902 11:08:40.936 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:09:18.316 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 51
20210902 11:09:40.955 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:10:18.315 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 50
20210902 11:10:41.013 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:11:18.315 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 49
20210902 11:11:41.045 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:12:18.316 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 48
20210902 11:12:41.074 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:13:18.315 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 47
20210902 11:13:41.100 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:14:18.316 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 46
20210902 11:14:41.119 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:15:18.315 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 45
20210902 11:15:41.173 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:16:18.315 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 44
20210902 11:16:41.212 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 831, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:16:53.741 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-03-28 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 11:17:41.227 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 70, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:17:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 43
20210902 11:18:41.256 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:18:53.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 42
20210902 11:19:41.278 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:19:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 41
20210902 11:20:41.338 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:20:53.818 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 40
20210902 11:21:41.366 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:21:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 39
20210902 11:22:41.406 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:22:53.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 38
20210902 11:23:41.434 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:23:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 37
20210902 11:24:41.447 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:24:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 36
20210902 11:25:41.487 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:25:53.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 35
20210902 11:26:41.529 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:26:53.822 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 34
20210902 11:27:41.833 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:27:53.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 33
20210902 11:28:41.891 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:28:53.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 32
20210902 11:29:41.924 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 833, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:29:49.897 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-04-04 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 11:30:41.952 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 74, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:30:49.818 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 31
20210902 11:31:42.018 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 75, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:31:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 30
20210902 11:32:42.054 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:32:49.918 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 29
20210902 11:33:42.197 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:33:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 28
20210902 11:34:42.333 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:34:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 27
20210902 11:35:42.480 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 76, Sample: 76, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:35:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 26
20210902 11:36:42.649 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:36:49.916 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 25
20210902 11:37:42.744 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:37:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 24
20210902 11:38:42.789 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:38:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 23
20210902 11:39:42.846 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:39:49.916 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 22
20210902 11:40:42.885 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:40:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 21
20210902 11:41:42.928 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:41:49.916 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 20
20210902 11:42:42.943 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:42:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 19
20210902 11:43:42.978 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 836, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:43:49.915 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 18
20210902 11:43:50.022 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-04-11 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 11:44:42.999 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 73, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:44:50.116 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 17
20210902 11:45:43.039 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 72, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:45:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 16
20210902 11:46:43.133 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:46:50.116 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 15
20210902 11:47:43.186 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:47:50.116 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 14
20210902 11:48:43.208 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:48:50.116 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 13
20210902 11:49:43.232 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:49:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 12
20210902 11:50:43.279 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:50:50.127 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 11
20210902 11:51:43.318 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:51:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 10
20210902 11:52:43.354 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:52:50.116 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 9
20210902 11:53:43.396 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:53:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 8
20210902 11:54:43.423 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:54:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 7
20210902 11:55:43.468 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:55:50.028 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 6
20210902 11:56:43.495 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:56:50.115 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 5
20210902 11:57:43.528 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 70, App: 839, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:57:50.118 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 4
20210902 11:58:04.834 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-04-18 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
############### Training Finshed! ###############
20210902 11:58:43.536 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 838, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 11:59:04.815 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 3
20210902 11:59:43.571 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 838, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 12:00:04.817 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 2
20210902 12:00:43.605 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 838, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 12:01:04.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 1
20210902 12:01:43.617 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 71, App: 838, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 12:02:04.817 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Successfully consumed tokens. Available: 0
20210902 12:02:43.629 TRACE:: Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Used: 71, Sample: 72, App: 838, CurrentTimeStepElapsed:
20210902 12:03:04.816 TRACE:: LeakyBucket.TryConsume(1): Failed to consumed tokens. Available: 0
20210902 12:03:05.632 ERROR:: Security.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(): Algorithm took longer than 20 minutes on a
single time loop. CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 5.0 minutes
20210902 12:03:05.803 ERROR:: Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): RuntimeError
at 4/25/2021 10:00:00 AM UTC. Context: Engine Isolator System.TimeoutException: Algorithm took longer than 20 minutes on
a single time loop. CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 5.0 minutes
at QuantConnect.Isolator.MonitorTask(Task task, TimeSpan timeSpan, Func`1 withinCustomLimits, Int64 memoryCap, Int32
sleepIntervalMillis) in /LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Isolator.cs:line 175
at QuantConnect.Isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan timeSpan, Func`1 withinCustomLimits, Action codeBlock, Int64
memoryCap, Int32 sleepIntervalMillis, WorkerThread workerThread) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Isolator.cs:line 86
at QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.Engine.Run(AlgorithmNodePacket job, AlgorithmManager manager, String assemblyPath,
WorkerThread workerThread) in /LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Engine/Engine.cs:line 334
20210902 12:03:07.000 TRACE:: FileSystemDataFeed.Exit(): Start. Setting cancellation token...
20210902 12:03:07.010 TRACE:: FileSystemDataFeed.Exit(): Exit Finished.
20210902 12:03:07.014 TRACE:: Engine.Run(): Sending runtime error to user...
20210902 12:03:07.058 ERROR:: Runtime Error: Algorithm took longer than 20 minutes on a single time loop.
CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 5.0 minutes in Isolator.cs:line 175
Algorithm took longer than 20 minutes on a single time loop. CurrentTimeStepElapsed: 5.0 minutes in Isolator.cs:line
20210902 12:03:07.059 TRACE:: Debug: Algorithm Id:(1432912603) completed in 7469.70 seconds at 0k data points per
second. Processing total of 78,920 data points.
20210902 12:03:07.087 TRACE:: DefaultAlphaHandler.Exit(): Exiting...
20210902 12:03:07.103 TRACE:: DefaultAlphaHandler.Exit(): Ended
20210902 12:03:07.105 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): starting...
20210902 12:03:07.108 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Exit(): Saving logs...
20210902 12:03:07.132 TRACE:: StopSafely(): waiting for 'Result Thread' thread to stop...
20210902 12:03:07.135 TRACE:: Debug: ############### Time:2021-04-25 06:00:00###############
############### Training Data Added! ###############
20210902 12:03:07.136 TRACE:: Debug: Your log was successfully created and can be retrieved from:
20210902 12:03:07.136 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.Run(): Ending Thread...
20210902 12:03:07.581 TRACE:: Config.GetValue(): regression-update-statistics - Using default value: False
20210902 12:03:07.585 TRACE::
STATISTICS:: Total Trades 0
STATISTICS:: Average Win 0%
STATISTICS:: Average Loss 0%
STATISTICS:: Compounding Annual Return 0%
STATISTICS:: Drawdown 0%
STATISTICS:: Expectancy 0
STATISTICS:: Net Profit 0%
STATISTICS:: Sharpe Ratio 0
STATISTICS:: Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio 0%
STATISTICS:: Loss Rate 0%
STATISTICS:: Win Rate 0%
STATISTICS:: Profit-Loss Ratio 0
STATISTICS:: Annual Standard Deviation 0
STATISTICS:: Annual Variance 0
STATISTICS:: Information Ratio -4.82
STATISTICS:: Tracking Error 0.1
STATISTICS:: Treynor Ratio 0
STATISTICS:: Total Fees $0.00
STATISTICS:: Estimated Strategy Capacity $0
STATISTICS:: Lowest Capacity Asset
STATISTICS:: Fitness Score 0
STATISTICS:: Kelly Criterion Estimate 0
STATISTICS:: Kelly Criterion Probability Value 0
STATISTICS:: Sortino Ratio 79228162514264337593543950335
STATISTICS:: Return Over Maximum Drawdown 79228162514264337593543950335
STATISTICS:: Portfolio Turnover 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Generated 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Closed 0
STATISTICS:: Total Insights Analysis Completed 0
STATISTICS:: Long Insight Count 0
STATISTICS:: Short Insight Count 0
STATISTICS:: Long/Short Ratio 100%
STATISTICS:: Estimated Monthly Alpha Value $0
STATISTICS:: Total Accumulated Estimated Alpha Value $0
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Estimated Insight Value $0
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Direction 0%
STATISTICS:: Mean Population Magnitude 0%
STATISTICS:: Rolling Averaged Population Direction 0%
STATISTICS:: Rolling Averaged Population Magnitude 0%
STATISTICS:: OrderListHash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
20210902 12:03:07.598 TRACE:: BacktestingResultHandler.SendAnalysisResult(): Processed final packet
20210902 12:03:07.600 TRACE:: Engine.Run(): Disconnecting from brokerage...
20210902 12:03:07.601 TRACE:: Engine.Run(): Disposing of setup handler...
20210902 12:03:07.603 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Analysis Completed and Results Posted.
Engine.Main(): Analysis Complete.
20210902 12:03:07.620 TRACE:: Engine.Main(): Packet removed from queue: 1432912603
20210902 12:03:07.639 TRACE:: LeanEngineSystemHandlers.Dispose(): start...
20210902 12:03:07.670 TRACE:: LeanEngineSystemHandlers.Dispose(): Disposed of system handlers.
20210902 12:03:07.691 TRACE:: LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.Dispose(): start...
20210902 12:03:07.821 TRACE:: LeanEngineAlgorithmHandlers.Dispose(): Disposed of algorithm handlers.
20210902 12:03:07.829 TRACE:: Program.Main(): Exiting Lean...
20210902 12:03:07.921 ERROR:: Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): RuntimeError at
4/25/2021 10:00:00 AM UTC. Context: Scheduled event: 'Sunday: 6' at 4/25/2021 10:00:00 AM
Python.Runtime.PythonException: RuntimeError : unknown parameter type
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 1063, in relu
result = torch.relu(input)
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/activation.py", line 94, in forward
return F.relu(input, inplace=self.inplace)
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 550, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/container.py", line 100, in forward
input = module(input)
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 550, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/LeanCLI/elegantrl/net.py", line 159, in forward
return self.net(state).tanh() # action
File "/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 550, in __call__
result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
File "/LeanCLI/elegantrl/run.py", line 520, in get_episode_return
a_tensor = act(s_tensor)
File "/LeanCLI/elegantrl/run.py", line 461, in <listcomp>
for _ in range(self.eval_times2 - self.eval_times1)]
File "/LeanCLI/elegantrl/run.py", line 461, in evaluate_save
for _ in range(self.eval_times2 - self.eval_times1)]
File "/LeanCLI/elegantrl/run.py", line 166, in train_and_evaluate
if_reach_goal = evaluator.evaluate_save(agent.act, steps, obj_a, obj_c)
File "/LeanCLI/main.py", line 57, in TrainingModel
at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyObject[] args)
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduleManager.<>c__DisplayClass25_0.<Training>b__0(String n, DateTime time) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Scheduling/ScheduleManager.cs:line 269
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduledEvent.OnEventFired(DateTime triggerTime) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Scheduling/ScheduledEvent.cs:line 250
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduledEvent.Scan(DateTime utcTime) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/Scheduling/ScheduledEvent.cs:line 176
at QuantConnect.IsolatorLimitResultProvider.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<Consume>b__0() in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/IsolatorLimitResultProvider.cs:line 48
at QuantConnect.IsolatorLimitResultProvider.Consume(IIsolatorLimitResultProvider isolatorLimitProvider, ITimeProvider
timeProvider, Action code, TimeMonitor timeMonitor) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/IsolatorLimitResultProvider.cs:line 75
at QuantConnect.IsolatorLimitResultProvider.Consume(IIsolatorLimitResultProvider isolatorLimitProvider,
ScheduledEvent scheduledEvent, DateTime scanTimeUtc, TimeMonitor timeMonitor) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/IsolatorLimitResultProvider.cs:line 48
at QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.RealTime.BacktestingRealTimeHandler.ScanPastEvents(DateTime time) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Engine/RealTime/BacktestingRealTimeHandler.cs:line 148
20210902 12:03:07.974 ERROR:: Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): Extensions.SetRuntimeError(): RuntimeError
at 4/26/2021 2:00:00 PM UTC. Context: Scheduled event: 'Sunday: 6' at 4/26/2021 2:00:00 PM
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at QuantConnect.IsolatorLimitResultProvider.Consume(IIsolatorLimitResultProvider isolatorLimitProvider, ITimeProvider
timeProvider, Action code, TimeMonitor timeMonitor) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/IsolatorLimitResultProvider.cs:line 74
at QuantConnect.IsolatorLimitResultProvider.Consume(IIsolatorLimitResultProvider isolatorLimitProvider,
ScheduledEvent scheduledEvent, DateTime scanTimeUtc, TimeMonitor timeMonitor) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Common/IsolatorLimitResultProvider.cs:line 48
at QuantConnect.Lean.Engine.RealTime.BacktestingRealTimeHandler.SetTime(DateTime time) in
/LeanCloud/CI.Builder/bin/Debug/src/QuantConnect/Lean/Engine/RealTime/BacktestingRealTimeHandler.cs:line 111
20210902 12:03:07.974 ERROR:: AlgorithmManager.Run(): Stopping, encountered a runtime error at
4/26/2021 2:00:00 PM UTC.
20210902 12:03:07.975 TRACE:: Engine.Run(): Exiting Algorithm Manager
Error: Something went wrong while running 'DRL-03' in the 'backtesting' environment, the output is stored in
Varad Kabade
Hi OTreeWEN,
We need to add these lines in the config.json file and change the values accordingly.:
Varad Kabade
The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation or endorsement for any security or strategy, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services by QuantConnect. In addition, the material offers no opinion with respect to the suitability of any security or specific investment. QuantConnect makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the views expressed in the website. The views are subject to change, and may have become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. You should consult with an investment professional before making any investment decisions.
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You can continue your Boot Camp training progress from the terminal. We hope to see you in the community soon!