If I hold a position in a stock that can be elected to be redeemed for a fixed amount of cash, how can I simulate that transaction in QC to get the right accounting? Can I create a fake sale transaction and specify the execution price? Or could I sell it at market and book some sort of accounting adjustment for the difference from the actual execution price and the redemption amount? Any other idea?
David Avraamides
Thanks, Louis. The use-case I'm referring to is for a SPAC that is trading below $10 before the redemption tender date, in which case the holder can elect to tender their shares for $10 cash. There are times where these shares are trading below $10 and it may be advantageous to tender them rather than hold them through the despac event. So I'd want a way to tell the algorithm that the shares were “sold” at $10 even though the market price never reaches that level.
I'll look into a custom FillModel. I think I could use a custom Tag to indicate that the intent is to tender the shares.
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