As i was attempting to inherit data from a class in another .py file, i got an error message saying.
‘’ Algorithm.Initialize() Error: During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: Loader.TryCreatePythonAlgorithm(): Unable to import python module ./cache/algorithm/main.pyc. AlgorithmPythonWrapper(): NameError : name 'ReversalAlpha' is not defined
at <module>
class SupportResistance(ReversalAlpha):
File "" in line 8"
How do i do it successfully, given that this is the class below i'm trying to inherit:
""" Block of code whose output gives us daily support levels as well as resistance
levels """
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import numpy as np
class ReversalAlpha(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.ticker = "USDCAD"
# Rolling Windows to hold bar close data keyed by symbol
self.closingData = {}
#for ticker in tickers:
symbol = self.AddForex(self.ticker, Resolution.Daily, Market.Oanda).Symbol
self.closingData[symbol] = RollingWindow[float](50)
# Warm up our rolling windows
def OnData(self, data):
for symbol, window in self.closingData.items():
if data.ContainsKey(symbol) and data[symbol] is not None:
if self.IsWarmingUp or not all([window.IsReady for window in self.closingData.values()]):
for symbol, window in self.closingData.items(): #references the key-value pairs in the dictionary
supports_D, resistances_D = self.GetPriceLevels(window) # Daily Supports and Daily Resistances
self.Log(f"Symbol: {symbol.Value} , Supports: {supports_D} , Resistances: {resistances_D}")
def GetPriceLevels(self, series, variation = 0.005, h = 3):
supports_D = [] # List that will hold daily Supports points
resistances_D = [] # List that will hold daily Resistances points
maxima = []
minima = []
# finding maxima and minima by looking for hills/troughs locally
for i in range(h, series.Size-h):
if series[i] > series[i-h] and series[i] > series[i+h]:
elif series[i] < series[i-h] and series[i] < series[i+h]:
# identifying maximas which are resistances
for m in maxima:
r = m * variation
# maxima which are near each other
commonLevel = [x for x in maxima if x > m - r and x < m + r]
# if 2 or more maxima are clustered near an area, it is a resistance
if len(commonLevel) > 1:
# we pick the highest maxima if the cluster as our resistance
level = max(commonLevel)
if level not in resistances_D:
# identify minima which are supports
for l in minima:
r = l * variation
# minima which are near each other
commonLevel = [x for x in minima if x > l - r and x < l + r]
# if 2 or more minima are clustered near an area, it is a support
if len(commonLevel) > 1:
# We pick the lowest minima of the cluster as our support
level = min(commonLevel)
if level not in supports_D:
return supports_D, resistances_D
# Your New Python File
#if nextSupportZone > current_price:
to this other class:
""" Block of code whose two methods output gives us next support and next resistance """
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
SupportD = None
ResistanceD = None
class SupportResistance(ReversalAlpha):
def __init__(self, algorithm):
self.ticker = "USDCAD"
self.Algorithm = algorithm
self.SupportResistance = GetPriceLevels(self, series, variation = 0.005, h = 3)
#find out how to consolidate hourly data into 4hr bars
self.FourHourWindow = RollingWindow[float](21)
algorithm.Consolidate(self.Ticker, timedelta(hours=4), self.SaveFourHourBars)
def NextSupport(self):
price = self.Algorithm.Securities[self.Ticker].Price
SupportD, ResistanceD = self.SupportResistance
less_than_price = [x for x in SupportD if x < price ]
return less_than_price[min4(range(len(less_than_price)), key=lambda i: abs(less_than_price[i] - price))]
def NextResistance(self):
price = self.Algorithm.Securities[self.Ticker].Price
SupportD, ResistanceD = self.SupportResistance
greater_than_price = [y for y in ResistanceD if y > price ]
return greater_than_price[min(range(len(greater_than_price)), key=lambda i: abs(greater_than_price[i] - price))]
def SaveFourHourBars(self, bar):
# Your New Python File
#How do you conduct an inheritance of methods of a class from another .py file and create a new method using data from
# the inherited class. .
#Here's a rough idea of what i wanted to create:
# Your New Python File
which will be used in this main .py algorithm class
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import numpy as np
from dailyhours import *
#from fourhr_support_resistance import *
Macdlong = None
class MeasuredApricot(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2019, 1, 30) # Set Start Date
self.SetEndDate(2020, 12, 30)
self.SetCash(100000) # Set Strategy Cash
self.ticker = "USDCAD"
# Rolling Windows to hold bar close data keyed by symbol
self.Data = {}
#for ticker in tickers:
symbol = self.AddForex(self.ticker, Resolution.Hour, Market.Oanda).Symbol
self.Data[symbol] = SymbolData(self, symbol)
self.tolerance = 0.0025
self.stopLossLevel = -0.05 # stop loss percentage
self.stopProfitLevel = 0.01# stop profit percentage
#self.SupportResistance = SupportResistance(self, self.ticker)
self.SetWarmUp(50, Resolution.Hour)
#def MarketClose(self):
def OnData(self, data):
if self.IsWarmingUp: #Data to warm up the algo is being collected.
for symbol, symbolData in self.Data.items(): #Return the dictionary's key-value pairs:
if not (data.ContainsKey(symbol) and data[symbol] is not None and symbolData.IsReady):
MACD = symbolData.macd.Current.Value
MACDfast = symbolData.macd.Fast.Current.Value
RSI = symbolData.rsi.Current.Value
current_price = data[symbol].Close
signalDeltaPercent = (MACD - MACD)/MACDfast
#nextSupportZone =
#nextResistanceZone =
#support = self.SupportResistance.NextSupport()
#resistance = self.SupportResistance.NextResistance()
if self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
if self.isLong:
condStopProfit = (current_price - self.buyInPrice)/self.buyInPrice > self.stopProfitLevel
condStopLoss = (current_price - self.buyInPrice)/self.buyInPrice < self.stopLossLevel
if condStopProfit:
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Long Position Stop Profit at {current_price}")
if condStopLoss:
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Long Position Stop Loss at {current_price}")
condStopProfit = (self.sellInPrice - current_price)/self.sellInPrice > self.stopProfitLevel
condStopLoss = (self.sellInPrice - current_price)/self.sellInPrice < self.stopLossLevel
if condStopProfit:
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Short Position Stop Profit at {current_price}")
if condStopLoss:
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Short Position Stop Loss at {current_price}")
if not self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
MacdLong = signalDeltaPercent > self.tolerance
#Above Support = current_price > closestSupportZone * tolerance1(1.004)
#Below Resistance = current_price < closestResistanceZone * tolerance2(0.987)
# tolerance = will be dependent on the minimum number of pips before a r/s level
if RSI > 50 and Macdlong: #Below Resistance:
self.SetHoldings(symbol, 1)
# get buy-in price for trailing stop loss/profit
self.buyInPrice = current_price
# entered long position
self.isLong = True
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Entered Long Position at {current_price}")
if RSI < 50 and not Macdlong: #Above Support:
self.SetHoldings(symbol, -1)
# get sell-in price for trailing stop loss/profit
self.sellInPrice = current_price
# entered short position
self.isLong = False
self.Log(f"{self.Time} Entered Short Position at {current_price}")
class SymbolData:
def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
self.macd = MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence(12,26,9)
self.rsi = RelativeStrengthIndex(14)
self.macdWindow = RollingWindow[IndicatorDataPoint](2) #setting the Rolling Window for the fast MACD indicator, takes two values
algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, self.macd, timedelta(hours=4))
self.macd.Updated += self.MacdUpdated #Updating those two values
self.rsiWindow = RollingWindow[IndicatorDataPoint](2) #setting the Rolling Window for the slow SMA indicator, takes two values
algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, self.rsi, timedelta(hours=4))
self.rsi.Updated += self.RsiUpdated #Updating those two values
self.closeWindow = RollingWindow[float](21)
# Add consolidator to track rolling close prices
self.consolidator = QuoteBarConsolidator(4)
self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.CloseUpdated
algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.consolidator)
def MacdUpdated(self, sender, updated):
'''Event holder to update the MACD Rolling Window values'''
if self.macd.IsReady:
def RsiUpdated(self, sender, updated):
'''Event holder to update the RSI Rolling Window values'''
if self.rsi.IsReady:
def CloseUpdated(self, sender, bar):
'''Event holder to update the close Rolling Window values'''
def IsReady(self):
return self.macd.IsReady and self.rsi.IsReady and self.closeWindow.IsReady
Any help and all the help i can get will be appreciated.
Varad Kabade
Hi Samwel Kibet,
To use SupportResistance in, add
to the top of use ReversalAlpha in, add
to the top of
In the above, we are trying to import an algorithm into another algorithm; that's why the issue arises. We do not need to do that; whatever our data needs, it can be accommodated in the same algorithm or imported using custom data.
Varad Kabade
Samwel Kibet
Hey Varade Kabade,
Thank you for your input, i have made some changes on the algorithm as a result of it. However i came across some other error, name error this time;
NameError : name 'series' is not defined at __init__ self.SupportResistance = super().GetPriceLevels(series) File "" in line 16 NameError : name 'series' is not defined
Here is code block i updated, on the file that may have resulted to it, :
And here is the class i'm attempting to inherit;
I'd appreciate any insight to overcome that obstacle.
Samwel Kibet
Here's a backtest of the strategy making use of the two conditions out of the three i'm trying to incooperate. Feel free to leave a comment or advice to make this algo run on all three conditions.
Louis Szeto
Hi Samwel
The error is coming off no variable "series" is defined within the __init__() method:
Louis Szeto
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Samwel Kibet
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