I'm working through the Tiingo Sentiment Analysis on Stocks lesson in the U.S. Equities course. In part 3, I have checked my code against the solution and it appears to be correct. However, when I run the code I encounter the following error:
Boot Camp: Looks like you didn't add alternative data to the securities...
Boot Camp: Exercise failed. Please try again..
It's followed by a runtime error:
Runtime Error: The current user does not have permission to use AAPL,AAPL,Minute,TiingoNews,Trade,Adjusted. Please contact your organization administrator to request permission. in CloudDataPermissionManager.cs:line 105 (Open Stacktrace)
Has anyone else run into this issue? If so, please advise on how to fix it. I'd really like to get through this part of the course. Thanks!
Art Richardson
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FP Steiner
Same here. As indicated by the OP, lesson 11, task 3ff are affected.
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Jake Rocket
Yup I am seeing the same error and is preventing me from getting my 100% badge :(
Runtime Error: The current user does not have permission to use AAPL,AAPL,Minute,TiingoNews,Trade,Adjusted. Please contact your organization administrator to request permission. in CloudDataPermissionManager.cs:line 105 (Open Stacktrace)
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Jake Rocket
Thanks for the clarification Jared. Makes perfect sense of course. However it would be great to add a disclaimer in the tutorial to inform folks of this change, or modify the boot camp lessons to use only free data as many beginners go through these tutorials before signing up for a paid account. Cheers.
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Mark Hansen
It would be nice if the tutorial was updated to use the free backtesting aspect of Tiingo rather than requiring a new user to sign up for the subscription before they have even tested the dataset or know how to use it.
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